Case Study

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Case Study


Growth through Ingenuity and Enterprise

Discuss the main factors that make 3M an innovative organization.

Excellent Team

3M is a company of character, which employs an excellent team - people who are characterized not only professionalism and expert knowledge in many areas, but also the ability to create a good atmosphere at work. 3M treat its employees as a partner, the company entrust them with responsibilities and we have for the great confidence. The career development of our employees is determined by several factors - their results, but also individual abilities, knowledge, creativity, ambition and desire to improve their skills. The company appreciate in particular that the principles of business ethics and corporate compliance with the rules and law (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

Participation of Employee

In situations where the environment is constant and rapid transformation, it happens that to make a decision, on which the gain or loss, managers have literally minutes. Sometimes lack of time to convene a board meeting to present and discuss proposals to consult experts. Even in well-performing organization, that person must have all the decisive power of attorney. Not always there, especially when the situation requires immediate attention, cannot afford to consult (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

In a market economy objective and a measure of the quality of business management is to succeed in the market. Some managers believe that success will provide customers with cheaper products, while others say you can not only compete on price but above all, product quality, and even how it can deliver. Both of these positions are concerned, however, only part of the possible sources of competitive advantage (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

In the next few years in the best position to find companies that do not have time to lose for a long time, and steadily strengthened its market position. Flexibility and new management solutions, and above all, innovation will be necessary to maintain and improve the competitive position (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

The companies which are successful are often the illusion that the goal was finally achieved. Meanwhile, there is probably in the world is nothing more than a flimsy business success. Surrender of the "illusion of success" can be the first step to disaster (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

Continuous improvement

The company's success in a competitive market depends on its ability to adapt to constant changes in the environment. Change is the foundation for the development of the company, it is inevitable and unavoidable. Strange then, that often insist to act based on a false premise, saying that the reality will not change. Unfortunately, what worked in the past will not work in the future, a lesson the hardest to acquire the company with respect to market success and wish to exercise their own mythology (Nijstad, 2009, pp. 452-55).

A company that wants to be innovative, to have any chance of success and prosperity in times of rapid change, has to create an entrepreneurial management team within its own system. 3M has adopted a policy that calls the company-wide appetite for innovation and generate ...
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