Case Study

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Case Study


According to the family and medical Act i.e. FMLA an employee is eligible to 12 weeks of unpaid leaves each year. In order to be eligible the employee needs to fall in one of the following category:

Leave for the care of a newborn baby as the baby would require nurturing and caring in the initial stages and would require the parents to be there for the baby.

For the care of  a son or daughter who has been adopted and or is at the foster care, this is necessary for the child to be bought up in the right way

For the care of the immediate family member whether it be spouse, child or a parent who may be suffering from illness and may have a serious health condition.

To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work due to his or her illness, this is necessary to protect the safeguard of the employee (Galinsky, 2008).

Most employers required to implement the FMLA (with the notable exception of employers who employ fewer than 50 employees). Most Employers required implementing Implements the FMLA (with the notable exception of Employers Who Employ Fewer Than 50 employees).

Case Study

In my opinion, Anthony can be discriminated because Anthony has been working for more than a year. This makes him eligible for the Family and Medical Leave Act. The eligibility of the Act can be defined as:

Employees Eligible for the Family and Medical Leave Act

In order To be eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act time off, the employee must:

The employee worked total of almost 12 months and

He had worked at least an hour of 1250 as compared with the previous year

Worked in any location or territory in United States or possession in U.S, where approx 50 employees as employed by the employer within 80miles.

It can ...
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