Case Study

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Case Study Analyses

Case Study Analyses


Employee turnover in companies effect their ongoing projects to a significant extent. HR teams manage men and women of the world. They are intended to inform operational on intercultural issues. To be listened to, they must demonstrate their ability to select the right people the right profiles "international", reducing premature returns and "catastrophic" events prevent the return of "disappointment" (Hoffmann, Grimshaw, Lallement & Miozzo, 2010, p. 84-103). Multi-national companies even consider the ratio of men to women while promoting their staff in senior management category (Bartlett, 2009, Pp. 45-78). This paper focuses on the analysis of the issue of absenteeism, women in management, calculation of pay and other HR related issues at Storey & Co. and also presents the possible strategies that Storey & Co. can adopt as the possible solutions for these issues.


The issues that can be highlighted in this case study at Storey & Co. are based on the fact that it has subsidiaries in different parts of the world, which employees people from the markets where they are located, yet the HR policies that have been implemented are the same, as in the head Quarters in London. The employees in the London Head Quarters are satisfied with the HR policies, but the employees in other branches around the world are not. The number of benefits being provided to the employees of the organization around the world can be increased in order to get maximum efiiciency (Bacon, Stephen & David, 2001, Pp. 25). The key issues that are identified in Storey & Co. comprise of women in management, recruitment and selection in its international branches, and compensation and benefit calculation. After a studying the case study following are some of the suggestions in this regard.

Women into Management:

At present, women are a little higher than men in executive positions in Storey & Co. This might come up as a management issue for Storey & Co. because women have a different way to manage and operate a company giving them the answer they are better. Also, as the case study depicts that there are younger consultants, aged 27-40, many with little previous management experience (Bartlett, 2009, Pp. 45-78). They tend to have particular specialism, and about half of this group is women. Therefore, regarding the physiological changes that researchers have discovered say that the brain is said of men is larger in the s-wing women have more nerve cells. Women do not focus so much on the word rather like winning the commitment and learn new things as opposed to men who might be handling most authoritarian leader in developing and taking the word extreme security at times falling into arrogance. Researches also highlight some important points that women apply to the administration for example, that women are more transparent and more accessible, more tolerant, more quickly identify problems that could have better intuition here are some points that perhaps as many men do not apply in the same way as in women and men make ...
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