Case Study

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Case Study: The Geeks Of Chic

Case Study: The Geeks Of Chic

Task 1-Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Job attitude is the feeling and the assumption that largely determines the perfection of the employees of their environment, their commitment to the planned actions and ultimately their behavior. It is a mental and nervous disposition, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on the individual's response to all objects and situations they face. It is a tendency to act toward or against some environmental factor, which converts it to a positive or negative. The attitude of the individual towards the job will be good only if he satisfied with his job. Job satisfaction has a very strong influence on the feelings of the person in relation to work, so it can be attributed more to the location of interacting components. Job satisfaction depends on many factors, both internal and external to the person. Once an employee satisfied with his job, his attitude towards the job will be good, which would in turn mean that the individual's commitment towards the job increased and

For example, in an organization that adopts the Geek of Chic, the owner is the person making all the decisions and performs all the tasks in accordance with his desires and satisfactions, now this attitude will decrease the employees satisfaction and commitment to the organization because the employees would feel that they are not the stakeholder to the company . Therefore, here it can be said that, in such an organization, the owner is the only person who satisfied with his job, as he is using his powers in order to satisfy his desires (Judge, Thoresen, et al, 2001, p. 376-407). Whereas, talking about the employees, it can be said that it is not possible for employees to be satisfied in such an environment. This is because of the fact that working in such an environment sometimes makes the employee feel like a servant, which is unacceptable by him. Furthermore, in such an environment, the employee does not get any chance to learn, which one of the motives of the employees is. Therefore, it can be said that only the owner can have satisfaction in such an organisation, whereas, the rest will not be satisfied and will not be committed to their job (Rode, 2004, p. 1205-1230).

Task 1.2 -Motivational TheoriesMaslow's theory: the management of motivational needs

Maslow's model considers that the different motivational needs are ordinates in a hierarchy, while holding the wing before they can meet more complex and higher order is precision meeting certain basic needs. This model can be conceptualized as a pyramid in which basic needs located in the base while the highest level located at the top. Basic needs are those previously described as primary drives: the need for water, food, sleep, sex and things like that. The following are the hierarchical security needs; Maslow argues that people need a secure environment to function effectively. The physiological and safety needs as the needs of lower order (Baumeister, Vohs, ...
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