Case Studies Of Two Poorly Functioning Teams

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Case Studies of Two Poorly Functioning Teams


Causes of Poor Functioning3

Team A3

Team B5

Tuckman's Model & Conflict6

Team A6

Team B7


Team A7

Team B8


Case Studies of Two Poorly Functioning Teams


Two issues revolve when there is team work, first is the task itself, while other is the procedure to complete it. However, the only issue which determines the majority of success in a project is the efficient process. Although, the vigilance required for the management is very nominal, yet, the results do get a great boost through proper input (Blair, 1996). The only concern of a leader is not just repeatedly motivating the players but to create an environment that creates the sense of self motivation (Grazier, 1998).

Causes of Poor Functioning

Team A


The very purpose of a team diminishes when there prevails an uncertainty regarding the leader; they must recognize their own importance for overall performance of team (Mealiea & Baltazar, 2005). In the case of team A, no one was aware as who is the leader or there is more than one leader. At the start of the semester, it was decided in a face to face meeting regarding the ownership of a leader role. However, those who missed the session were unaware of this. The two elected leaders of team A were two females - the Caretaker and Organizer.


There was a lack of awareness as to what is the medium of communication; face to face or through discussion tool. As a matter of fact, it was agreed upon to use discussion tool, as a principle one. However, due to the absence of some of the members, it was not communicated to all. Due to this reason there was a lot of uncertainty regarding the meeting timings, venue, preferences etc.


The members of the group rather than working in a team formed different lobbies based on their similarities. There were three isolates, which were not coordinated by any of the group member, and also had the different opinion as to who is the leader. Moreover, the other lobby of four members was formed based on their consensus of leadership role.


Usually the dissonance occurs in the second stage of Tuckman's five stages. But in this case, the conflict is likely to be ignored at initial stages; however, it can erupt when deadline is very close. Since Team A's performance was not up to the par, their approach was reactive rather than proactive. It was not addressed until reached at the final stage.

Too Nice Syndrome

Being too nice is a psychological condition; this operates on win/loss principle. This condition brings fruitful results at initial stages - team work perspective. However, as time passes, people become frustrated, and their anxiety overflows. Team A's case was similar to this, the subgroup had this syndrome and also had a supporting hand from the organizer against the All Talk, who wanted to make changes at the 11th hour. This condition resulted in bad clash between them.

Lack of Commitment

Three isolates did not stick to ...