Case Studies And It

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Case Studies and IT

Case Studies and IT


The case study is a descriptive qualitative methodology that is used as a tool to study something specific in a complex phenomenon. The "event" is understood as an integrated system in operation, why it requires an analysis that gets interpret and reconstruct the system.

The case study is the comprehensive study of one or very few research subjects, allowing obtaining a broad and detailed knowledge of the latter. It is based on the idea that if we carefully study any unit of a certain universe, we are in terms of knowing some general aspects of it, at least we have a perspective that guide subsequent research (Wieviorka, 1992).

A single case study or multiple case studies can be written that contain a description of the entire medium of instruction (including the time and resources available for the project of development), potential students, and the task of instruction. With this information, organizations could discuss the givens, identify the state of the target, select the principles that would be appropriate for the determination of the media or the time to apply the principles to determine the means best, and evaluate the quality of their solutions. The case studies are particularly useful for learning to solve problems in situations where more than one solution to the problem reel cc or more complex a subtle world of ill-structured problems. As with studies of simulation can be written in series with a greater level of detail, complexity and irrelevant information so that businesses can handle more and more principles and employ strategies more cognitive as they progress.


Flexibility: case study method is a pliable method, scientific research. Because of its stress on project design is simply, not prescription or anticipation of exploration, researchers have more freedom to explore and solve problems, because they lead to improvement in their experiments appeared in the IT solutions

Emphasis on context: In trying to understand a topic the subject of individual or small groups as possible, case studies, deep or deep professional data description of the specific circumstances, can give a more human side to see the results of basic information. This emphasis may help to establish to allow researchers to compare their first-hand observations of other studies of quantitative research results obtained between the abstract and the concrete practice of the links (Scholz, Roland, and Tietje, Olaf, 2002).


Inherent subjectivity: Opponents cite the main performance, demonstration and case study evaluation of research opportunities. The method is based on the personal views of data and inferences. Results may not general, it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of, and provide little to solve the problem of prescription. Simply put, based on projections by a number of subject knowledge may be involved in something short too much, may be true

High investment:

Case studies can learn more about subjects related to being considered, most researchers will take care of that - in the context of their educational, emotional background, themselves and their environment, what they like, not ...
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