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Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Study: Early Childhood Education

The main objective of this case study is to address and clarify the view and the most important characteristics of growth in early childhood, both with regard to the physical, linguistic or cognitive, social, and emotional impact of all these properties on the growth of the child's personality. It is agreed between the level most of the child psychologists and professors of childhood, education, contemporary, as well as between specialists and experts in the field and various international organizations concerned with children and the most important of the International Council for Education Early (OMEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNESEF) and others, that early childhood refer to children from birth until the age of eight years. In addition, agree the various groups and bodies, the former referring to her that early education, Early Education or "education during early childhood (ECE), Early Childhood Education" refers to all of what is offered for children from the care and upbringing, education and development during the period from birth for up to eight years (Levin, 2007).

It should be noted that early childhood education, as well as early great interest during the current phase at all levels, international, regional and local levels and in different countries of the world. Indeed, the level of the greatest actors and institutions, the former referring to her early education is provided during this stage in the broad sense defined previously broad right of a child to his family, his community and the international community in general. They also indicate the need for agencies to provide early education of high quality for all children to early childhood in various parts of the world.

Although it is very difficult to separate the properties of the growth of children during early childhood and give them the care and upbringing, education and development during this stage of any process of early education, we ensure the clarity of presentation and conciseness and focus the content ourselves. In this study to address the most important features and characteristics of the growth of children in early childhood, to be given the most attention in the second study to be presented later to address early education and to clarify the importance and the most important reasons behind the interest in them at the current stage, particularly after entering the world of the third cycle of rings of human civilization a "ring of Informatics, The Information Era" and the need to seeking to give the children during which properties necessary for a person twenty-century atheist. The second study also will address the latest trends and trends that drove the early education studies and provide examples of the most important experiences of international modern and successful in this area (Farquhar, 2007).

On the basis of the above focus of this study, to address the most important features and characteristics of the growth of children in different their sides to be at the conclusion of this study, ...
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