Case Studies

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Case Studies

Case Studies


The best managers are those who have the ability to distinguish what they know they do not know. For a better understanding of their decision-making process, they could better understand how to shape the judgments on which they base their decisions and thus overcome their "beliefs.” Individual's acts upon the adoption of ethical principles set for them. What factors influence the ethical decision-making entities? It may be possible to provide an environment conducive to ethical decisions when placing the factors that affect on people.


AIDS in the workplace

A majority of people spends much of our adult life in the place of work, or at least that we seek. We spend hours that we share with others not only expertise, but also our values ??and habits, sometimes in unaware. The workspace is usually not so no more or less biased or integrative other areas of the human sphere of interconnections in a way, playing to another level the social whole. However, there is one important difference. While on the street relationships are free, and one or one can accept or refuse to be with one or another regardless of the reason, the workplace, translation of an essential right of advanced societies, these relations are regulated. In the same way, Carla was finding it difficult to spend time with Tom, who in her perception was suffering from AIDS, and was planning of ways to get rid of Tom in a way that will not create difficulties for the company and, at the same time, would serve her purpose. There were a number of moral issues in this case; the first moral issue was that there Carla should have had a discussion with Tom regarding his problem and make an effort to find out the real problem with Tom, as she had realized that there was something wrong with Tom. She made her own perception about Tom without even having a discussion with Tom. Then, she knew that even if Tom was suffering from AIDS there was no way in which this disease could have affected the hygiene factor in the workplace. From a moral and ethical point of view, we can describe her thinking as wrong. In this situation, Carla should follow the utilitarian approach to decision making and should consider all the possible results before she takes any action. She should not follow the Kantian approach in ...
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