Faiza is working as a part time evening teacher and teaching the course of GCSE to the students. Faiza is familiar with the fact that her student Helena is hearing impaired and she will bring her hearing dog with her inside the class as her hearing aid. When Helena brings her hearing dog with her into the building, Malcolm who is another member of the staff does not allow Helena to enter into the building because of her hearing dog. Malcolm has no information about hearing dog. Helena needs to take her hearing dog with her and for this purpose Helena asks help from Faiza who knew that Helena will be bringing hearing dog with her.
Solution to the Case Study
Faiza must help Helena by convincing Malcolm to allow hearing dog in the class. Faiza must share all the important information regarding the hearing dogs. Faize must make Malcolm understand that Helena needs hearing dog for assisting her in hearing because Helena is a hearing impaired child. Faize must provide all the information related to hearing dogs to Malcolm so that she will understand that these hearing dogs are trained and they do not harm anyone in the public (Queensland Government, 2009, Pp.1-2).
Faiza must convince Malcolm by explaining that the hearing dog is an assistance dog. These hearing dogs are specifically trained and selected for the assistance of such people who are hard of hearing or deaf. These hearing dogs alert their handler to important sounds such as smoke alarms, alarm clocks, doorbells, ringing telephones etc. These hearing dogs help the hearing impaired people in alerting against some other important sounds such as forklifts, sirens and the person who is calling out the name of handler (Queensland Government, 2009, Pp.1-2).
Faiza must make it clear to Malcolm that these hearing dogs are fully trained and they are certified. After the completion of their training period, these hearing dogs are required to pass a public access test. Trainer of the hearing dogs administers the test. After passing the test, these hearing dogs are approved for becoming certified under the Act. Their certification ensures that these hearing dogs are safe to walk in public and the accompanying person can control these hearing dogs. These dogs do not toilet in building as well as they do not show their uncontrollable or aggressive behavior in the public. These certified hearing dogs also undergo regular skill testing and updating for ensuring that they remain safe and effective (Gailliard, n.d., p.n.d.).
Case study 2
Roger Park is the teacher of diploma course and this course incorporates both international and home students. According to the regulations of awarding body, every student must have at least 80 percent attendance throughout the course for becoming eligible for the course. One of the international students tells to Roger Park that in the week 7, there will be a Hindu festival “Diwali”. The student adds that he wants to celebrate the festival of Diwali with his family ...