Case Studies

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Case Studies

Case Study # 1


This case study represents the case of Ms. A. who is 26 years old and a white woman. She has been suffering from the problems of Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrheal for about twelve years. However, the case reflects that she got faint during her golfing tournament and was taken to physician where she was found with escalated heart beat, respiratory rate and low blood pressure. The case analysis attempts to enunciate the condition of Ms. A. in the light of medical with the rationale of her circumstances.


The case extenuates that Ms. A. was suffering with the Anemia which represents the condition when the person is having the decreased number or red blood cells in the body and normally having the less quantity of hemoglobin in the blood (WHO, 2008). However, in the case, Ms. A. had the hemoglobin rate of 8 g/dl which is lower than the normal rate that is between 12.1 to 15.1 in female. The type of anemia which Ms. A. has the iron deficiency anemia which causes to build a block in developing red blood cells. The decrease in number of red blood cells causes to lower down the ability of blood to carry oxygen to the other parts of the body (Hart et al., 1987). The symptoms of Ms. A. that include the increased shortness of breath with the low blood pressure and elevated heart rate overtly represent that due to the anemia, the oxygen does not reach to the lungs and capillaries and results in hypoxia that is lack of oxygen in the organs of the body. The hypoxia causes the symptoms in Ms. A. as weakness, dyspnea or shortness of breath on exertion and tachycardia or fast heart rate. She also mentioned that she has been encountering the problem of Dysmenorrhea and Menorrhagia for about twelve years which actively contribute in losing iron from the body in terms of bleeding as the dysmenorrheal and menorrhagia are the heavy and prolonged menstrual period that causes abnormal blood clotting, disruption of regular periods with severe pain. These problems cause to prolong the menstrual cycle more than eight days with greater blood loss than 80 ml.


The treatment of patients with the anemia pertinent with the lack of iron includes taking iron supplements and intake of diet enriched with iron to effectively treat iron deficiency anemia. The iron supplements that include the ferrous sulfate are good enough to build up the iron stores in the body organs (Alleyne et al, 2008). However, besides the iron enriched supplements, the iron rich food may includes chicken, turkey, fish, meats, soybeans, lentils, green vegetables including the spinach and kale.


The study concludes that Ms. A. was suffering with the extreme iron deficiency anemia due to excessive blood loss during her menstrual cycle in terms of dysmenorrheal and menorrhagia. The excessive loss of blood results in losing the iron from the body due to which the oxygen fails to reach the important organs of the body which ...
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