Case Studies

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Organizational Case Studies

Organizational Case Studies


Workplace management continues to be both an interest and a concern to organizations worldwide. Efforts to provide greater access to corporate careers for groups that have been historically discriminated against are not new. However, what is more modern is the examination of how inherent and subtle biases, as well as privileges, may facilitate the movement of some groups up the corporate ladder. Managing the work force effectively requires some efforts that focus on more closely examining the organizational norms, values, and practices that enhance or impede diversity can therefore be met by appreciation as well as resentment and backlash by organizational members and the public at large. This paper discusses the two given case studies and compares their approach towards team work, their organizational structure and design and their organizational cultures.

Comparison of Approaches to Teamwork and Team Working

Both the organizations, in the given case studies, utilize different approaches towards teamwork and team working. Sleepeasy does not encourage or promote much teamwork or team working in their organization, while Biogenia on the other hand encourage the process of teamwork and team working. In Sleepeasy, the employees and workers are assigned individual tasks which they have to achieve. They are very strict about the achievement of their tasks. However, Biogenia uses strategies to initiate and enhance team work and their performance. An effective performance appraisal system in this team-based organization includes a results-orientation and a concern with the processes that enable results.

Sleepeasy does not focus on teamwork which may be the cause of stress and discouragement of the employees. The organization must commit to encourage teamwork or team working to attain more productivity. One way to accomplish this is to use a goal-based system that holds the team accountable for results and individuals accountable for their contribution to the team. At each organizational level, it is vitally important that the performing unit, whether individual or team be actively involved with the next higher level in the joint determination of appropriate goals and criteria of performance (Burton et al, 2006, pp. 97). The house keepers of the Sleepeasy hotel are underpaid, overworked and unappreciated. This may be leading to job dissatisfaction of the employees especially the house keepers. The organization must focus providing motivation and encouragement to the housekeepers. This will provide flexibility in tailoring individual performance appraisal to accommodate the many different types of work arrangements found in organizations today individual contributors, part-time team members, or core team members—and the different types of contributions required for different types of tasks. Local management also facilitates the design of individual and team development plans, as well as providing quicker response time when change needed (Stewart et al, 2008, pp. 78).

Performance appraisal plays an important role in the organization, and in building teams and encouraging them to achieve organizational targets. Whether it is employee performance or team performance but at the organizational level it is necessary to critically review the ...
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