Case Scenario

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Case Scenario

Case Study


According to the scenario case study, Rose faces many mental problems in medical aspects. She has been a regular victim of sexual assaults, which she had reported to the authorities in various serious issues. She is vulnerable and troublesome. Rose has received support from family support agency and school counsellor to keep her safe with the help of Eden and Tom. Rose was also indulged in drugs and alcohol consumption. After her second allegation against some men on sexual assault issue, the local authority young person's team backed out their involvement with the family. Rose became pregnant where she reported the authorities to suffer from abuse from the same men. The police became concerned for Rose and safety of the baby. They believed that Rose is unable to take care of the baby because of alcohol and drug consumption. The behaviour of Rose is concerned for her parents because she is in constant and extreme consumption of alcohol and often goes missing from home for days (

The case scenario suggests that Tom is suffering from Acquired Brain Injury which disables him from offering any work. Eden supports both Tom and Rose. Because of ABI, Tom is unable to work and support the family. He has slow recovery but still feels to change circumstances. Because of the injury, Tom is unable to make simple decisions and solve problems; he often gets angry and frustrated. He suffers from cognitive problems related to thinking and memory skills. Both Rose and Tom have been allocated with a social worker for children and family and adult physical disability respectively.

The ethical values state whether an action is right or wrong. The values comprises of the assumptions, ideas and beliefs about the individuals and groups. Within the professional code of practice the social work values and ethics are encompassed. The personal and professional values may differ with different priorities of different people. The social work values provide changes in people's lives and nationally restrict the social care services. Different people scenarios mould the ways of social care services. The main element of social work professional framework is value and ethics which helps the social worker to direct the needs of personalized support. Social workers will have a professional and ethical responsibility to assess, observe, interact and intervene with Eden, Rose and Tom and their individual and family environment. The purpose of the social work is to improve and facilitate the society process, relationships within the environment and social institutions. The social work increases the engagement o relationships and interactions among people within their daily routines in which they live (


Tom is facing rapid and important changes in many aspects of his life. The social worker will ensure that the changes in Tom's lives are planned keeping the family fully involved and central to the changes. Because of the communication needs, and attachment with Eden and Rose' baby, the changes in Tom's live is more unsettling. The routine life of Tom is due to ...
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