Case Project: Harris And Heartfield Manufacturing

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Case Project: Harris and Heartfield Manufacturing

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Case Project: Harris and Heartfield Manufacturing

Discussion points

The planning, implementation and evaluation, all are part of the management (David 2006). Customer satisfaction is a never ending process and Data recovery plans ensure it (Lewis, 2006). Merely setting up a Disaster Recovery plan is not enough. There must be a monitoring and review control in place to ensure smooth functioning and continuous up-gradation of the system. The recovery of data is associated with the survival of the business (Omar, Alijani, & Mason, 2011).This maintenance mode of Disaster recovery plan requires well thought out policies and plans, for which this discussion is all about.

Three different ways of checking compliance and to evaluate plans and policies include, random monitoring under the supervision of disaster recovery coordinator, implementation of a report violations system for employees, and scheduled checks by department managers.

Perhaps the best checking for implementation of a program is to nail the inspection when least expected. In this way, prior setups in place to show the desired state to higher ups are minimized. Disaster recovery team lead by a single man will select date and time for this random checking. The leader will be responsible for frequent random checkups on spot to evaluate the policies and procedures in place implemented. This necessitates that, employees be ready at all times for random checkup at any given time. Employee handbook defines the actions that are needed to be taken if proper polices and procedures are not followed by the employee.

Random checkups are an additional monitoring mechanism; the necessary scheduled checkups should be in place to maintain the disaster recovery plan's effectiveness. The department managers will arrange such schedule checkup. Department manager will check all the employees on the explained criteria, quarterly. The manager upon successful completion of checkup will submit a report to the disaster recovery team leader. The team leader will ensure that, any action is not needed to maintain the system. However, if any employee is found not following the policies and procedures, the action will be taken as per the employee handbook.

The employees are not only directed to follow the policies and procedures but also to report the violations by other. Therefore, this mechanism of maintenance and control necessitates every employee to report any violation they witness. Not reporting the violations will be considered a violation itself and will be dealt accordingly.

Mere checkups of the system ...