Case Assignment Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & The Law

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Case Assignment Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & the Law

[Date of Submission]Case Assignment Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & the Law


The American community is now facing many social and economic costs due to many barriers to telecommunication, transportation, public services, public accommodation and employment. To answer for acts of discrimination unwillingly or willingly performed on potential customers or employers with disabilities, the employers have found themselves with court cases to answer especially due to these great incurring costs. This Assignment will address the newly developed ADA procedures/policy document for the new Employee Handbook.

While maintaining employee morale, keeping costs in line and achieving high productivity the boss is concerned with staying in compliance with the ADA. Around the United States, carnival rides are offered by the organization that has two hundred employees at the plan making and creating new carnival rides and two hundred and fifty employees traveling carnival circuits. The things that must be included into the recommendation to supervisors and the policy procedure statement to employees are addressed under the ADA procedure/policy document.



Against qualified individual with disabilities, unlawful discrimination will not be performed by the company. Under ADA, the disabilities of individuals are referred to conditions and privileges of employment, job training, compensation, firing, advancement, recruitment, selection, and job application procedure (ADA, 2011).


The equipment and facilities must benefit, aid or use the service of the public in a manner that present their access and use by with disabilities and the company shall endeavor to maintain them in operable working order.

Within the institution, each activity, program or service must be run in such a way that the access and use by individuals with disabilities must be recognized by those who view it on it's entirely.

Effective communication with applicants or participants of the public with disabilities must be ensured by the ...