Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

Case Analysis


The focal point of this assignment is to answer the reference questions of the case study pertaining to training issues of Winnipeg gas utility company's backhoe operator. When the job opening was posted, Jim applied for the job and even though he had little experience, he was given the opportunity to work as he managed to do better than the other two candidates which were shortlisted for the same position. Since Jim had little experience of the job for which he was hired for, the management had to face problems due to training deficiencies that took place after hiring Jim who was completely inexperienced as far as backhoe operating was concerned.


Question 1

There is a wide array of costs which might arise due to lack of training of workers, especially in fields of job such as that of backhoe operators. Firstly, the cost of broken water lines and the broken telephone lines is a major cost which the company has to suffer. When either of these lines is broken, necessary amendments and repair have to be done which means higher costs in terms of buying new parts and paying the labor. The cost of rework in a construction industry radically reduces the profit margins and decreases the efficiency rate by a large scale (Rahman, et al., 2012). Lack of trained employees increase the potential production cost, which leads to inefficiency and eventually decreases the consumer satisfaction which makes it difficult for businesses to retain their loyal customers (Aragon-Sanchez, 2003).

The biggest cost of lack of training is retaining an employee which is not qualified for the job. The company must have operated in this manner because before hiring Jim, they made him work on the field for a day and checked his performance as against the other two candidates who were shortlisted. He, at that time, managed to do the task better than the other candidates. This probably gave them the idea he is trained enough to do the work efficiently, furthermore the management believed that the equipment they were using were foolproof so lack of training wouldn't matter much.

Question 2

On the job training is one of the most frequently used training method used around smaller organizations. It involves experienced and knowledgeable supervisors, managers and personnel imparting their experience and knowledge to lesser experienced workers while being on the job (Barron, et al., 2002). Whereas in a ...
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