Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

Case Analysis

1. Using Hofstede's four cultural dimensions as a point of reference, what are the key cultural differences between the United States and France?

The theory of Geert Hofstede pertaining to the cultural dimensions elaborates upon the impacts of the culture of a society on the values of its members. It shows the ways in which the members associate these values to their behavior, and the theory links to these concepts with the help of a structure that is directed from factor analysis. The four dimensions of the Hofstede's theory include the analysis of cultural values: uncertainty avoidance; individualism-collectivism; masculinity-femininity (task orientation versus person-orientation); and power distance (strength of social hierarchy). Power distance index (PDI) maintains the extent to which the institutions (like the family) and members of organizations, that are less powerful, expect and accept the unequal distribution of power. Individualism (IDV) vs. collectivism refers to the degree to which individuals are consolidated in the form of groups. Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) reflects the tolerance of society towards ambiguity and uncertainty. Masculinity (MAS), vs. femininity reflects the distribution between the genders in terms of their emotional roles (Hofstede, Geert, 2001).

A multinational company, The Walt Disney, was founded in the year 1922 by Roy and Walt Disney and later became the leading family entertainer in the industry. The current case makes a comparison between the differenced of cultures present in France and the United States, and analyses the errors that Euro Disney made in terms of translating its encounters of the former theme parks to another country through the Hofstede's Dimensions. Those cultures that support a low power distance generally accept and expect the power relations which are more democratic or consultative. The individuals associate with each other further People relate to one another irrespective of the formal positions. According to Hofstede (2003), France has Power Distance scores of 68 while United States scores 40. Through this example, it is definite that Disney provides the high power distance through accepting the strict appearance code. France is more centralized in comparison to US and possesses its own high power distance cultures that differentiate it from other countries and nations. For this reason, the French, in this case, were more confused when Disney appointed the US expatriates at the higher positions at Euro Disneyland. Majority of those people were unable to speak French. In contrast to this, US possesses low power distance since Americans look for a greater level of quality between the societal levels that includes the organizations, government and families (Minkov, Michael, 2007).

The case indicates the presence of individualism in the cultures of both United States and France. According to the Hofstede's theory, this dimension mirrors the extent of the integration of individuals into groups. With a score of high Individualism, the sharing of roles and responsibility lacks; the individuals merely tend to look after them, their few close friends and families. On the other hand, in the presence of low individualism score, people are more loyal to the organizations ...
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