Case 3

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Conflict resolution management is one of the most important aspects of business management. When it comes to business conflict resolution, you have two choices. If you do not have the required skills, you might end up making a bad situation even worse. The consequences, needless to say, might affect the business badly. If you are sure you have what it takes to resolve a workplace conflict smoothly, you can start off by listening to both parties involved. Ask them to explain their problem and suggest a solution to the same. Try to find a solution that satisfies both parties. Once you successfully resolve the problem, keep a close eye on both parties for a while. This is an important step in conflict resolution management. Check back once in a while to see if they have worked out things and if they get along with each other well. If you think you cannot handle the problem, you can get the help of a professional mediator who has the required expertise and experience. One of the biggest benefits of hiring a mediator is that he can find an agreeable solution to even the most complex of workplace problems.

This can save you a lot of time, effort, and money that you would have otherwise wasted on the problem. Moreover, if someone from your family or one of your relatives is involved in the conflict, there is always a risk of your verdict being seen as biased or prejudiced. To avoid this problem, you can bring in a third party mediator who can analyze the problem objectively and offer the right solution.

These programs create awareness about workplace problems, their consequences, and the detrimental effect they have on an employee's productivity. They also help employees develop the skills required to resolve conflicts in the workplace. Encouraging frequent, consistent, and clear communications are one of the most effective ways to reduce ambiguity, uncertainty, and office politics. Business conflict resolution experts say that it increases transparency, boosts the morale of employees, and makes them believe in your leadership qualities. Choosing a risky way of conflict resolution allows both sides to learn newer and deeper degrees of understanding, improve their skills and interactions, and find better solutions than either side thought possible.

For these reasons, conflict is a useful personal and organizational resource and a powerful source of studying, development and growth. Conflicts allow individuals and businesses to ...
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