Carl Marx And Today's World

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Carl Marx and Today's World

Carl Marx and Today's World


In today's well-civilized and modernized world, millions of people are awaiting the newly coming decade with fear, apathy and most importantly despair. A profound melancholy has surrounded the world society right after the end of a recessionary period, although, Science and Technology are the bound forward and have without a second thought brought about the marvels at each and every stride. However, the result was the massive environmental destruction followed by the waves of mass unemployment and the neverending menace of nuclear and chemical wars (, 2013).


As Carl Dassbach (2009) has pointed out that the process of reevaluating bears quite ample importance, under the umbrella of Marxism for two core reasons. The first one includes the Marx statement “all things existing” must have to undergo the process of “ruthless critique”. In fact, most of his works was not an exception to the above statement. Hence, for the above reason, it should be a constant process to explore the various horizons about Carl Marx view and its rooted concepts. Right after 150 years of the development of Manifesto, the excerpt still speaks volume due to the clarity of ideas, coupled with its compactness.

Would Carl Marx Idea's from the communist Manifesto applicable in today's society? This is the question ponder over. Carl Dassback (2009) supports the proposition; however, the publication was published around a decade ago and significant developments were surely made for looking into the capitalism and most importantly Marx's manifesto.

Carl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

The first part of the “The Communist Manifesto” is nothing but the tiring and repetitive ranting related to capitalism and the evil which dwell within. Marx has asserted that the nation is continuously experiencing deliberate scission into two larger but hostile groups; namely, bourgeoisie and proletariat. He has added that the two classes (bourgeoisie and proletariat) can be classified on the basis of nature and subsequently their role within the evolving industrialized society. Marx assumption seems to be quite general and does not provide any core justification for creating and coalesce of the two wings. Moreover, the analogy stated as “hostile camps” embarks the feelings of warfare and pictured someone having deserter's traits. This is not the case under any circumstances, and each of us strive for the financially independent status (related to the bourgeoisie) and most of us fail to achieve that goal. Marx also fails to recognize the situation of middle class by completely ignoring that part of society. Most of the time, the middle class, have both employment and investment income. They can even save a hefty amount of money. This makes them lie between the wages earners and capitalists at each and every stage of life. Hence, the polarized behaviors of the manifest theory make it totally incoherent with the developed horizons in the modernized world.

Repeating the very same polarized scenario, Marx has said, “The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent ...
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