Carl Jung Dream Analysis

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Carl Jung dream analysis

[Name of the InstitutionCarl Jung dream analysis


Carl Jung is regarded as one of the finest psychologist. The talented personality was born in Switzerland in 1875. His theory on dream analysis is considered as one of his most influential exertion. Jung was a Swiss doctor & very close friend of fraud. His relation with Fraud becomes bitter when a difference occurred between the theories of nature and function of dreams. In Jung view point, dream is the current mental condition of a person. The concept of Jung is that, the dream analysis is the prime technique of gaining knowledge of the unconscious mind. According to Jung, dream is a natural phenomenon which can be studied. The image which comes in, the dream is symbolic of cognizant & unconscious mind. There is a difference between symbol & sign according to Jung theory. Sign is an expression which points out something. If the person saw a red light while driving, it means he has to stop the car this is sign. Similarly if, the green light come driver has to stop the car, it's a sign. These lights are signs, not symbols. He said that symbol is something that is familiar to life, like a term, a picture and a name. A good example of the symbol is the flag of America. If, the person is not familiar with American flag, he could not attached meaning to it, because this symbol is not active in his life. On the other, side American flag is a symbol for American citizens, because values are attached with the flag for them. They can easily relate flag symbol with them. The purpose of this paper is to deeply analyze the dream theory of Carl Jung (Thomas, 1998).



This term dream' can be dined as an involuntary process of mind, occurs at a certain stage of sleep. Dream is the series of images, emotions and pictures which are seen during the sleep. Dream can last for few seconds, or last for twenty minutes. There is likeliness, that a person will memorize a dream if he is awakened during the rapid eye movement phase. On average, a normal person can see three to five dreams per night. On a full 8 hour sleep, around two hours are spending on dreaming. As the night progresses, the dream tends to last for a longer time period. There are distinctive in nature, like frightening, emotional, exciting, adventurous and sexual dreams. Some dreams controllable, others are not (Mitchison, 1983).

Carl Jung & dream analysis

Carl Jung associated dream as the reflection of spiritual activity. A critical analysis of dream can be done in order to relate the dream in conscious living. Jung feels that a person can analyze his own dream and can make meaning out of it (Clare, 2002).

Jung definition of dream

A dream is an accidental & continuous product of the unconscious mind. Dream is difficult to understand, because it is vague and made up of signs & symbols. Jung established a decipher ...
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