Caring for Older People

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Care of the Older Person

[Name of the Author]




Models of Ageing2

Selective Optimization with Compensation Model2

Evaluation of Selective Optimization with Compensation Model4

Life Span Model of Primary and Secondary Control5

Model of Assimilative and Accommodative Processes5


National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People7

National Service Framework for Dementia8

Steps for Initial Diagnosis of Dementia8

Steps for Treatment of Dementia9

Constituents of Specialist Treatment10

Recommendations for Meeting the Criteria of National Service Framework10

Elimination of Age and Ethnic Discrimination10

Working in Partnerships11

Work Required on Part of the Central Government12

General Practitioner's Referral13

Admission to Acute Care Hospital System13

Equal Provision of Information to Patient and their Carer13

Treating Consultant, Medical practitioner, Geriatric Consultation and Psycho-geriatric Consultation Whenever Required14

Discharge from Primary Care14

My Personal and Professional Development by Understanding the National Service Framework for Older People14



Care of the Older Person


A large number of the UK population comprise of older people and this number is increasing rapidly. As a result, requirements have increased to fulfil the needs of older people. Accommodation, food and health care are the basic necessities of an individual; therefore, it is mandatory for the authorities of a state to take the initiative for developing strategies to satisfy these needs of the population, especially for the older people since they need more concern; particularly in health care.

Health care authorities of UK have done appreciable work in this regard by creating The National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People. NSF had set specifications for meeting the requirements of older people and its execution has made remarkable development in Government policies. Its main purpose is to promote the quality of life of the older people, their well-being, social inclusion and independence. National Service Framework for Older People is designed for improving the quality and equity of access to social and health services. The achievement of the health care standards is the major target of the National Service Framework for Older People.

Dementia is one of the most common problems which are encountered by people as they reach towards 60 years of age. National Service Framework has provided outlines for dealing effectively with this problem, by giving guidelines to health care authorities and related organizations. These guidelines which are meant to serve as strategies for dealing with dementia; are based on proper diagnosis, treatment and creating dementia-free communities.

Aims of the Study

The aim of this study is to provide fast and easy access to the information for dealing with the older people with mental health needs, and the provision of the practical things that can be done in this regard. It also aims at providing the basic knowledge about the mental health needs of the older people, principles for good practice and suggestions for the assessment and arrangement of services. Its main purpose is to provide the medical practitioners dealing with the older people, the basic knowledge and skills that will help them in thinking creatively when they encounter such conditions. The information of this study will encourage the practitioners to achieve more job satisfaction by reflecting it in their practice. Discussion

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