Careers Comparison

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Comparison of Careers in Elementary Education and Computer Science Engineering


Most adults work the majority of their lives, so their career choices are important and many times affect their life styles. The type of work a person chooses will provide rewards and present limitations to the quality of life, such as housing, clothing, vehicles, vacations, and hobbies. Career choices affect salaries, co-workers, and job satisfaction that sometimes affect happiness.

Table of Contents




Career in Elementary Education2

Scope of Computer Careers in Today's Workforce.2

Cost of Education.3

Job Prospects.3

Career in Computer Science Engineering3

Scope of Computer Careers in Today's Workforce.4

Cost of Education.5

Job Prospects.5



Comparison of Careers in Elementary Education and Computer Science Engineering


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question that is asked of children throughout their childhood. Some adults hear that question all their lives, because they have a difficult time deciding on a career and continually change professions throughout their careers.

A number of libraries were visited for gathering valuable data from textbooks & journals. The Internet was also a major tool in obtaining relevant information, leading to search for a number of articles in journals and newspapers from databases. The data was gathered through various sources out of which some were online while some were on paper. Internet is a prime source for gathering information. Data about almost all fields of study is available and can be accessed easily. For this study internet has served to be a major source of information. Numerous online articles from the journals and newspapers were reviewed.


Career decisions are affected by a number of things. One factor is timing. A person's year of birth determines job availability. Jobs such as blacksmithing are limited today, and computer jobs were not available until the twentieth century because there were no computers. Moreover, the location of birth affects job selections.

Career in Elementary Education

A teacher's responsibility towards a child is probably more than that of the parents. This is primarily because the child just doesn't receive education from the school where he or she studies, but also learns the value systems from the same people.

For taking up teaching as a career, you require a passion for exchanging ideas, whether it is teaching at a school or in a college. While as a school teacher you are to educate delicate minds, in a college environment, the exchanges are at an intellectual level with students who are your friends.

Teaching and Education have been one of the most primitive, yet the most important avenues of providing and extending knowledge to students and individuals. In today's constantly changing environment, schools and educational institutions play a vital role in the shaping, growth and development of the society and the people living in it.

Scope of Computer Careers in Today's Workforce.

Teaching should be chosen as a career by individuals who love sharing information and knowledge with others. At the same time, there are benefits of this career as working hours are usually not too long. In a day, a teacher takes about 8 to 9 ...
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