Career Plan

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Career Plan

Executive Summary

I am in the final year of my BBA course. I will receive business administration qualification. I also have work experience in two organizations. I have developed a career plan to achieve my goals. I would like to pursue my career in the field of marketing. My qualifications and experience will enable me to execute my career plan. I would like to become a Marketing Manager. I may not get this position in the near future, but I will begin with middle management position and excel in my career to become the manager. I have also developed a mechanism to evaluate my career plan. I am using networking tools to build contacts for assistance in achieving my objectives.

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Career Plan


In a competitive and global environment, it is necessary to develop a career plan to follow your aspirations and dreams. I am in the last year of my BBA course. I have worked in an ad agency's creation department. Currently, I am working as a manager in a retail shop. My career aspiration is to join an ad agency again, and successfully move up the ladder to eventually become the marketing manager. When my BBA course is completed, I will have more time to pursue my work life. I strongly believe that developing a career plan based on my dreams and interests will focus my direction. I will periodically evaluate the plan and use networking to achieve my goals. My plan does not have just a start and an end. I have outlined the whole process and steps that will lead to accomplishment of my objectives.

Career Plan

To develop my career plan, first I need to classify my career choice type. According to the method developed by Gianakos, a student experiences three waves in his academic life. We are in Wave 1, when we study in high school and think about major to take in college. Wave 2 relates to the college major. Wave 3 is when we graduate from college and think about pursuing major in the present time (Lee, 2005, p. 282). When I analyse my career based on these three waves, I come to know that consistency is not present in my career choices. I started my career in the marketing area. I used to work in an ad agency's creation department. But then I had to switch my job and worked as a manager in a retail shop. I would classify myself into the multiple-trial type. I have a great flair for marketing and my goal is to go back to an ad agency working as a marketing manager (Rousseau et. al, 2009, pp. 2-14).

Karasek's Demand-Control Model classifies jobs as High Strain, Low Strain, Active, and Passive. The classification is based on control and demand factors (Julien et. al, 2011, pp. 167-204). Based on my personality type and traits, I would prefer working in Active jobs. Managerial roles require meeting high demands with high ...
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