Career Development

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Career Development

Portfolio 3- Interview



The role of the interviewee is of the utmost importance since he is answerable to the interviewer and thus his responses are judged in deciding whether to hire him or not. The conduct of the interviewee as well as the gestures and postures go a long way in shaping the recruitment decision. In addition, the skills of interviewee are also judged through the process of an interview. Without the presence of an interviewee, the aims of the interview cannot be accomplished. It is highly significant for the interviewee to make his presence felt at the interview since his presence goes a long way in shaping the recruitment decision. The interviewee needs to practice the different skills and traits that go down favorably with the interviewer and thus the interviewee needs to conduct extensive research on the important guidleines to be followed while conducting oneself in the interview.

Interview awareness in the case of an interviewee is of the utmost importance since he has to gain a plethora of information for excelling at the interview. The pre interview knowledge can go a long way in successfully persuading the interviewer and it can form as a significant strength adding to the skills of the interviewee. By successfully researching commercial information and combining it with the skills set which the interviewee possesses, the interviewer would be tempted to hire the individual for the required job designation. The importance of interpersonal skills and analytical skills cannot be undermined since these skills form as the greatest strengths for the interviewee. During the course of interview, both the interviewer and interviewee are prone to giving feedback to each other which significantly shapes the future outcomes. The interviewees must be aware of the potential gestures and postures that would present a favorable image to the interviewer since these gestures and postures shape the body language of the interviewee. Potential candidates that are not aware of the gestures and postures exhibit the incorrect gestures and postures which do not go well with the interviewer. Thus, their chances of getting selected for the job are minimized.

Not only the preinterview awareness but also the post interview awareness is also quite significant for the future career development for the prospective candidate. It is highly likely that because of the high pre interview awareness, the interviewee gets selected and thus he would than have to make use of the post interview knowledge in order to streamline the career development for the employee. The post interview information pertains to the intricacies in the context of the job to be performed, the skills to be used as well as the code of conduct required to be maintained within the organization.


The interviewer also forms as a key party to the interview since he is responsible for asking the major queries from the interviewee as well as judging the response rate and the nature of responses exhibited by the interviewee. The interviewer during the course of interview greatly delivers different ...
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