Career Choices

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Career Choices

Career Choices


I want to pursue my career in the field of computers. Computer is the subject, in which I always get highest marks. It is the field of my interest since I was a child. However, I am confused in two career options. Network security specialist and data administrator are the careers which are booming in today's era. I need to focus on the career and growth opportunities of both in order to know which would be best for me.

Network Security Specialist

A network administrator is a person responsible for managing the network, that is to say, manages accounts and machines on a network computer organization (e.g., company). This may include hubs, switches, routers, modems, firewalls, proxies, Internet connectivity, virtual private networks (VPN). It is often assisted by an engineer (architect) who designs network architecture. Network Management is a discipline of computer science that may eventually extend to the phone. The network administrator may also system administrator, and then it also manages the workstations (PC) and the servers of the company. Some features of network management include:

Provide support services

Ensure that the network is used efficiently, and

Ensure that service quality objectives are achieved (Cisco, 2011).

A network administrator serves users: create opportunities for communication, serving suggestions, keeps tools and space required by each user, on time and in good shape (think if someone was a user and would like to be the administrator) remains in good hardware and software of computers and the network (s) (s) responsible, maintains documentation describing the network, hardware and software that manages, respects the privacy of users and promotes the good use of resources. In exchange for the reward is so much responsibility the smooth operation of the network as a means of linking people and computers and software as tools to speed up some tasks that take time and allow time for others.

As a good manager of the computer, the network administrator must ensure that all users have quick access to the information system of the company. It does not, except for small structures, in designing the network architecture, a task reserved for specialized engineer. A network administrator is a person who creates the computer network for the company. Day by day, he manages the use of the network. It is he who gives permission for new users to connect. One of its most important missions is to ensure security and data backup on the entire network.

To do this job, you must have a sense of logic, be careful and find a solution to problems quickly and often remote. An administrator usually has no set schedule. He most often works in his office, that's where he handles problems that arise in the company. It must respond urgently to identify the cause of the incident, and then make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible. The network administrator must ensure constant technological updating, and testing new materials for the insert, if necessary, in his system. The network administrator is working with one or ...
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