Career Assessment And Reflection

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Career Assessment and Reflection

Career Assessment and Reflection


For this assignment, I have completed an interest inventory and a work values inventory, Kuder Career Search or Super's Work Values Inventory. And this is my reflection essay on the experience with these two assessments.


The KOIS or the Kuder Vocational Interest Survey is a self-report assessment of vocational interests planned to enlighten the educational and vocational planning and the process of decision making of people in edification, education, treatment, private and industry settings. The existing KOIS evolved from incessant investigation and revision in the 1930s (Zytowski, 2006).

The KOIS is suitable for use with people like me who are college students or older. The inventory can be supervised in group or individual settings; in this regard, self-administration is achievable; however accessibility of a counselor is suggested for nuanced understanding of scores. These items comprises of hundred forced-choice harmonies, each demanding respondents to point to which of the 3 activities they have a preference about most and which they have a least preference. The prototype of item reactions is utilized to calculate scores for levels presented in the 4 sections of the report form of KOIS: Dependability, VIEs i.e. Vocational Interest Estimates, College Majors and Occupations (Harris & Niles, 2012).

The primary section of this report form offers a dependability statement of inventory outcomes for the respondent as per the indices that evaluate the typicality of the responses of an individual. The next part of the report form shows scores for ten Vocational Interest Estimates, showing the following parts of vocational interests: Mechanical, Outdoor, Scientific, Persuasive, Computational, Artistic, Musical, Literary, Clerical and Social Service. Two parts of Vocational Interest Estimates scores are presented in descending the order of ranks, one derived from male norms and one on female.

The 3rd and 4th part of the KOIS report form show scores for forty College Major scales and one hundred and nine Vocational scales. Then these scores are calculated by means of coefficient and correspond to the association between the item responses of the individuals and the modal reactions offered by criterion sectors of satisfied men and/or women showing a particular college major or occupation. The College Major and Vocational scales also are shown in rank order for the reason that the KOIS gives emphasis to particular information regarding the individual majors and occupations instead of information in relation to average relationships present in groups (Harris & Niles, 2012). Thus, the scores contained by .06 points of the highest score of respondents are tagged as “most analogous to” the interests or wellbeing of the standard groups for those levels, those between .08 and .13 points under the highest scores are tagged the closest most comparable, and the outstanding scores are scheduled in turn of resemblance. Individual sets of scores are shown by means of norms for men and women.

Confirmation for the validity and reliability of KOIS level scores is usually strong and is evaluated in the general manual of KOIS. In line with the pattern Kuder set in reaction to the ...