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Career Decision Making


The career choice is a situation that is very important to resolve making a decision to do college. This situation calls for a certain period of time to resolve and choosing the right career. Your choice is offered several ways. Finish your high school and before you open the university with multiple races: the military, country, industry, trade, employment, career art, literature and art. Before you open wider perspectives to the race itself: the forms of life (political, spiritual, social, etc). All this is presented to you to start your life in a more personal and independent.

Many young people, unfortunately, do not take this situation seriously, they waste time we had to learn about different careers that exist, programs, schools and do not take a period of time to self-analysis and reflection on what would be the best career for them. This is when choosing a career becomes a conflict, because when they exit high school just become aware of what to study, and are pressed for time or because they do not yet know what career to choose.

Career choice means choosing a lifestyle, so it is one of the most important decisions. If we choose the wrong career can have personal dissatisfaction, leading to bitterness and unhappiness of a person. However, if our decision is correct, this will have a full and satisfying life itself. Thus we see that a good career choice, made with well-established bases, largely depend on the happiness or misery of life.The peace of conscience, joy, or else troubles, sorrows, weaknesses, will reward or punish good or bad choices made.

By choosing a career we analyze our abilities: if we have no facility for mathematics must stop thinking about being an engineer, if we do not like art, we must stop thinking of being architects. Our skills limit the ...
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