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Nursing Case Studies

Nursing Case Studies


Mr. Vajhil Singh is a 78 years old man who was admitted in the hospital on 10th of February, 2013. He is coping with the condition of shortness of breath and abdominal discomfort. It has cleared after examination that the patient is suffering from pulmonary oedema. Moreover, chest X-ray also revealed that he has a problem of cardiomegaly. Certain major cardiac tests showed that patient is also suffering from LVD, mitral regurgitation, and left ventricular failure that was precipitated by Atrial fibrillation. Mr. Singh is suffering from these critical and life threatening problems. Nursing care plan is extremely necessary for the patient because all of these problems will create certain hazardous complications in the patient. It is very important for the health care staff to give ideal health care to the patient.

Patient's Problems

Mr. Singh is suffering from three major and critical problems. The first problem is regarding the shortness of breath during the resting stage. The second problem is pulmonary oedema that was precipitated by Atrial fibrillation. The third major problem of Mr. Singh is Heart failure. All of these problems have different and complicated effects over the entire body. Moreover, these problems have a direct impact over the daily schedule of the patient.

Shortness of Breath

Mr. Singh was complaining about the shortness of breath at the time of admission. Shortness of breath is very critical condition that is also known as Dyspnea. Moreover, the condition of Dyspnea is considered normal after the heavy exertion, but it has the capability to make the situation life threatening. Mr. Singh said that he was breathless at the resting stage, and it has become worse over the past week. This statement of Mr. Singh clearly indicated that recent problem of Dyspnea is a worse form of this condition. There are many other problems that are associated with Dyspnea, and will become more hazardous for the patient. The associated problems are known as potential problems.

Potential Problem

The first potential problem that plays a role of triggering agent for Dyspnea is impaired physical activity. Impaired physical activity refers to the physical condition in which a person is not doing enough physical activity. It was evaluated by a number of studies that impaired or inappropriate physical activity is associated with various dangerous problems. Moreover, the problem of impaired physical activity in Mr. Singh is also aggregating the condition of Dyspnea.

The second potential problem of Mr. Singh is difficulty in eating. It is a fact that the intensity of breathlessness increases during eating. Various studies have concluded that eating becomes so frustrating for the patient of severe breathlessness. Mr. Singh is also a patient o f Dyspnea, so difficulty in eating is also a potential problem for him. It is also very important to give appropriate health care to the patient regarding this potential problem.

Pulmonary Oedema

Another major problem of Mr. Singh is pulmonary oedema that refers to the medical condition of fluid accumulation in the parenchyma of the ...
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