Care Of The Cardiac Patient (Nursing) On Anatomy And Physiology Of The Cardiovascular System

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Care of the Cardiac Patient (Nursing) on Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

Care of the Cardiac Patient (Nursing) on Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

The Mechanical and Electrical Components of the Heart

The human heart is an organ both mechanical and electrical. To adequately perfuse the body with blood, the mechanical and electrical components of the heart must work together in harmony needs. The mechanical component pumps blood, while the electric component controls the pace of the pump. When the mechanical component goes failure despite a normal rhythm, cardiac insufficiency may occur. When the electrical component begins to function in an inappropriate manner (arrhythmia), cardiac myocytes are unable to contract in synchronous mode and the effective pumping occurs during commitment. The occurrence of changes in the membrane potential of cardiac cells directly affects the heart rhythm, and antiarrhythmic agents act, mostly by modulating the activity of ion channels in the plasma membrane. This chapter discusses the formation of the ionic basis of electrical rhythm and conduction in the heart, the pathophysiology of electrical dysfunction and pharmacological agents used to restore normal heart rhythm (Gorcscan III et al., 2008).

The Arterial and Venous System

The artery's (artery, blood vessel), the heart to drain large blood vessels called. The major blood vessels (aorta, truncus (artery), pulmonary) it starts getting smaller blood vessels and capillaries (capillaries) are distributed after these gas exchange and nutrient delivery veins unite, and can then run the atria. The blood from the heart to the ventricles pitvarokbol forward, and then injected into the arteries again. A large (body care, systemic) arteries of systemic circulation oxygen- rich blood to the small circle (lung or pulmonary blood circuit) and fetal umbilical arterial carbon dioxide -rich blood circulating (Schaverien et al., 2008).

The higher pressure in the arterial system is occurred in the human blood circulation. The arterial blood pressure is the highest value measured in the cardiac cycle is called systolic pressure, the lowest diastolic pressure. The blood pressure is the most common non-invasive method of measuring the (Riva-Rocci) method.

The venous system consists of veins, responsible for bringing oxygen-poor blood to the heart through a blood flow, and carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the heart through the pulmonary vein. This system is divided into two parts: the peripheral venous system and abdominal venous system (Schaverien et al., 2008).

The Peripheral, Central and Pulmonary Circulation

The mechanism that our body has to fight excessive heat is the peripheral circulation. A set of veiazinhas that is just below the epidermis. This vessel network works exactly like the radiator of a car. The blood travels through the body absorbing excessive heat and expels peripheral network to the external environment. How? By irradiation (that little heat, tasty, coming from the person who usually makes him company in bed or passing this heat to sweat, which leads to evaporate (Mass et al., 2008). The blood, rich in oxygen, passes through the pulmonary venules to the pulmonary veins and returns to the heart into the left ...