Care Leavers In England

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Care Leavers in England

How do social worker help prepare care leavers for the transition to adulthood in England?

Section 11


Purpose of the Project2


Overview of the Problem4

Section 24

Literature Review4

Section 312

Attachment Theory12

Evaluation of Research13

Section 421


How do social worker help prepare care leavers for the transition to adulthood in England?

Section 1

Section 1 of this project provides introduction of the topic along with the purpose of the project. Moreover, this section will also be discussing overview of the problem that is faced by care leavers in England.


In England, large number of children depends on the care system for their future development and need assistance from authorities. This paper evaluates the issue of care leavers' transition to adulthood in England, the problems that they face, the role of social work organizations and recommendations for social work organizations to prepare the care leavers to transit successfully to adulthood in England.

Care leavers have to fight against many tests and transitional phases to become autonomous beings unlike other children who enjoy spending time at their homes until early twenties and have better opportunities in life regarding education, employment, social development and accommodation. At present, special services are provided to the care leavers as care schemes are developed to assist the young leavers. These services are related to residence, financial support, employment and assistive systems.

The Act of children leaving care was applied after many years and during that tenure, local authorities had power however, they did not had responsibilities for young people who were leaving care. This is the reason that there was emergence of huge differences in provisions for local authorities for care leavers. It was the intention of local authorities that provision of care leavers will start to disappear by directing responsibilities that were related to delaying discharge of young people from the care unless they were prepared sufficiently, improving the assessment, planning and preparing for leaving care for pathway plans, and securing accessibility of personal and financial support for young person's when their care have been left (Broad, 2008, pp. 19-24).

Care leavers have to face the threat of social segregation. Unlike other young people, the young care leavers have more chances of poor educational accomplishments, reduced levels of contribution in primary education, becoming young parents, becoming itinerants, facing joblessness and developing aggressive behaviours and psychological health issues.

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this project is to focus on the physical and emotional needs of care leavers while in care and after care touching on their attachment. This project also evaluates previous studies that were performed on the experiences of care leavers before and after leaving care centres. The result of this project will be evaluated with help of previous research findings and it will be based on comparison and evidence. Moreover, the role of social workers helping to prepare care leavers for the transition to adulthood in England will also be analyzed in this project.

The reason that this topic is selected is that it is one of the most critical issues in the UK however; ...