Care Givers

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Care Givers

What is the lived experience of females in their role as caregivers within a family unit?

1.2 Research Question (What do you really want to know? The rest of this form derives from and should constantly be guided by your research question. Always consider your research question in addressing all following components of this design form.)

What is the lived experience of females in their role as caregivers within a family unit?

So far, families, and especially women in them, have been the leading ladies in the exercise of "welfare work", which consist of home care, care of children, sick and disabled, strive for relatives in need, support youth. The condition of women carers emotional gratification and symbolically in a world is ruled by money and the economic valuation of labor and political power. The job of caregiver is one of the professions. Its activity focuses primarily on helping people get treated that are unable to fulfill their own basic needs. The caregiver works closely and under the responsibility of the nurse (who delegates some of its own role) within the team revolving around people to be cared. It contributes to the achievement of certain treatments , including some of the basic care to compensate for the inability to perform certain acts of daily living , such as bathing, dressing, drink, breathe, move or eat alone.

1.3 Proposed Dissertation Title: (Usually a statement based on the research question--short and to the point).

The lived experiences of females in the role of care-giving for the family unit.

Family care giving is the oldest form of care within the health care system. When an individual cares for a person with dementia, there is usually a continuously increasing responsibility for the caregiver, as well as, an increase in dependency for the care receiver. The dissertation aims to talk and evaluate the life experiences that a female caregiver goes throughout as a care giver. A caregiver takes care of hygiene and ensures physical comfort and moral patients. Daily, it helps patients be groomed properly and dress themselves. Some patients continue fasting before surgery, others follow a special diet. It then verifies the instructions before preparing food carts.

1.4 Research Topic

Describe the specific topic to be studied in a paragraph. (Be certain that the research question relates to the topic).

Females are becoming the silent majority in the roles of care-giving. The stereotypical view of the care-giving for the ...
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