Carbon Dioxide Capturing And Utilization

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Carbon dioxide Capturing and utilization


Climate change represents one of the greatest environmental threats in mankind's history. The emission of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels, is a significant contributing cause of climate change1. Integrated Environmental Services (IES) has partnered in a carbon-positive CO2 Reduction Technology (patent pending) that converts CO2 emissions into graphite and oxygen. The technology is carbon positive because it splits CO2 molecule to graphite and oxygen with far less energy than the CO2 bond energy. The technology has been successfully demonstrated in the laboratory and shows significant potential benefits in the global fight against climate change.

Carbon Dioxide Capturing and Utilization


As part of the efforts by the industrialized nations to combat climate change, these nations are looking to reduce their CO2 emissions by as much as 50% or more by 20502. In order to accomplish their goals, governments and industries must implement an unprecedented global program to change the way the world produces and uses energy and/or reduce CO2 emissions in the current energy generation and industrial processes. There is no single technology or strategy that can solve the climate change crisis while assuring continued economic growth. The challenge is to find the best mix of technologies and strategies that achieves the necessary reduction in greenhouse gases while at the same time maximizing economic growth during the transition to a more carbon neutral world economy.

In determining which technologies need to be pursued, three important criteria need to be weighed. First, is the technology carbon positive? In selecting the right mix of solutions, it is critical that a proposed technology not result in more greenhouse gas emissions over its full life cycle than the technology eliminates. Second, can the technology be employed in the requisite timeframe in order to meet the 2050 goal? Finally, how does the technology rank with respect to cost and economic impact when compared to other climate change solutions?

Technical Review

Capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CO 2) can significantly reduce the amount of CO2 released into the air. Today, various technologies for separating CO2 from other gases and sequester were developed. But they do not yet allow for the capture and storage of CO 2 on a large scale.

The use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Today, the concentration of CO2is 379 parts per million. This rate is much higher than at any time during the last 600 000 years. Climatologists agree that the increased concentration of CO 2 is the main reason for global warming.

The use of alternative energy sources that do not produce CO 2 is one way to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.including hydropower, wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and tidal power.Each of these energy sources have limitations, and it will be difficult to quickly switch from fossil fuels to these alternative sources. But what would happen if the CO 2 produced by fossil fuels did not reach ...
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