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Car industry in United Kingdom

Car industry in United Kingdom


The business in United Kingdom still cannot be properly analyzed because there is no empirical or theoretical framework present for analyzing the role that the business organizations play in progressing and developing the economy of the United Kingdom. This report will help in drawing and analyzing the possible impacts as well as role of the social, political, technological and economic factors on the business organizations. The automobile industry has been chosen in order to analyze the business operations in United Kingdom accurately. Between the period of the years 2006 and 1997, increment in such business organizations has been observed which had no employees (University of Westminster, 2008, p.3).

As the corporate or business sector is the main and dominant driver which contributes to the development and progress of the economy of the country, thus the analysis of the business sector plays an inevitable role. Still, the role of the business sector like a development actor lingers consigned to the development debate's sidelines. The community which donates or invests money is struggling and making enduring efforts for working in conjunction with organizations for the development of the economy of the country. Ever increasing number of organizations can be observed which are focusing on the issues related to the development of the country and also of their business. These organizations are embracing these issues regarding the development of the business and the economy of the country in their typical business practices. However, the private zone of the business remains at a tangent to ordinary development practice and policy. Each and every business organization must analyze their standing in the country's development through analyzing their strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats and also their political, economic, social and technological factors. These analyses will play a strategic, positive and complete role in the international development of the business organizations. Organizations are creating a legal and regulatory structure which allows corporate activity and investment. Moreover, these business organizations or the business industries are developing frameworks for harnessing corporate behaviour and corporations for the provision of superlative development benefits. These developments will help in marginalizing the behaviour and corporations which challenge the country's development and growth (Davis, 2012, Pp.1-3).


Importance of business sectors in UK development

There is a great impact of the business organizations on the country's development. Even in the global and international economic crisis, the foreign investment's flow to the developing and emerging nations carry on to dwarf the emergence of ODA i.e. Official Development Assistance. In the year 2010, it has been observed from the research of World Bank that business sectors contributed $524.8 billion amount in the economy of the United Kingdom. However, the impact of corporate sector on the country goes beyond the financial and economic condition of the country. According to the research, it has been found that the business sectors produce its great impact on a huge variety of progress and development issues. These issues can include productivity and economic growth, human rights ...
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