Car Buying Choices

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Car Buying Choices

Car Buying Choices


It is a challenging task for a consumer to make decisions pertaining to the selection of a vehicle. There are a number of vehicles, which have varied prices, technology and convenience for the consumer. Therefore, the consumer needs to consider factors such as average length of a car, miles per gallon or fuel efficiency, and safety features. The purpose of this assignment is to identify, which vehicle is better between an SUV and a compact car, for a consumer.


Safety Features of an SUV

It is essential to consider the safety features when buying a car or an SUV. There are two types of safety features, which a consumer needs to consider when buying an SUV. These are features are active and passive. When it comes to active safety features, they ensure the avoidance of an accident (Gabler & Hollowell, 2000). On the other hand, passive safety features are those which provide protection to a driver when there is an accident.

Active Features

Anti-Lock Brakes

Almost all of the SUVs come with ABS or anti-lock brake systems. It is essential for a buyer to ensure that the SUV he plans to buy has ABS technology. In case of dry roads, ABS may not be able to stop the vehicle as quickly as conventional brakes. However, there are two significant advantages of having ABS. The most significant advantage of ABS is that it helps the driver to turn his vehicle during full application of the brakes. Secondly, an ABS technology helps the driver to stop the vehicle quickly on a slippery surface.

Roll Stability Control

Another significant safety feature of an SUV is the roll stability. There are sensors, which help in the detection of a rollover. As a result, of these sensors the anti-skid system activates. However, this technology ...
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