Capstone Project

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Capstone Project

Table of Contents

Operational excellence - Capstone Project3

Capstone Proposal Summary3

Review of Other Work11

Rationale and Systems Analysis14

Goals and Objectives16

Project Deliverables20

Project Plan and Timelines23

Operational excellence - Capstone Project

Capstone Proposal Summary

Currently, the market has become very competitive within the business environment. It is the requirement of the environment that every organization must set strategic plans to achieve excellence and competitive edge from their competitors. For bringing effectiveness in operations when the organization grows and expands itself in size, scope and diversification; sophistication in management methods is required. Nowadays, the management of organizations has a challenge to prove themselves along with their expansions and creating competitiveness within the market. Information technology is widely used by the companies worldwide in various applications within the company. IT is not reserve of specific companies anymore. Application of information technology in business operations has enabled the management to set new benchmarks in the global competition.

Operational excellence can be defined as the excellence in the strategic results of the organization. The strategic results are aimed to make the organization achieve factors such as sustained improvements within all departments with time, strategic importance in critical areas and improvements in the strategic departments of the organization. The important role played in achieving the objectives and mission is by the management which helps to shape the dimensions of the organization. Operational excellence is also achieved when the performance at various levels is achieved over the set standards of the organization. Thus, management is required to perform way beyond and better than the market expectations (Schuler, & Jackson, 2007).

To improvise the management operations within the organization, the management incorporates total quality management and Just-In-Time (JIT) technology in organizational operations. Although some companies haven't yet incorporated the new technologies in their management operations but a few companies have started the use of new technologies in their production operations. The Just-In-Time technology enables the management to avail their services at their right time in a reliable, effective and appropriate way. This also includes that the management receives the correct information in a timely manner.

Another important technology is statistical process control (SPC). SPC is one of the best information technologies to aid the established operations free from special cause variations. With this technology, the management is empowered to accurately predict how to perform organizational activities and what results will be achieved with time.

Overall, the multinational companies have realized the importance and value for improving their management technologies. They have realized that investments must be made in innovations for the achievement and maintenance of benchmark performance which will result in global lead in command, reduced expenses, timely services and high-quality. Driving the organization towards the operational excellence culture and right realizations is done by skilled and sophisticated management and personnel of the organization. The personnel are responsible to design information technologies policies and bring innovation in the organizational functions. This helps the organization establish a benchmark in the business environment. This is achieved when the management invests and develops total quality management and research ...
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