Capstone Project

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Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Executive Summary

In this project, the studies and research would emphasize on the history of a healthcare organization named Florida Hospital, Orlando. The needs assessment will also be provided that will clearly define in what areas the staff of the organization lack and how will they be trained for providing better service to the patients. Then, it will also be discussed that how the stakeholders of the organization would be communicated and kept updated about this plan for the training and development of the staff.


The idea of establishing Florida Hospital was initiated by a group of Seventh Day Adventists in Orlando in 1908. This group had an idea of promoting health to Central Florida, which was then a rural community. With a clear vision of building a proper hospital in the area, this group of people began to collect donations from the local people. Through this activity, they became successful in collecting a suitable amount and grew their initial money of $ 4.83 to & 9000 which was enough to purchase a two-story farmhouse which served as Florida Hospital's first health care facility. From the time of purchase of this facility to the next four decade, many improvements were made and the hospital's patient capacity grew from 20 to 160. Surgical suites, patient wings, doctor's lounge and delivery rooms were also added to the facility (Wright, 2010).

In the late fifties, air conditioned system was installed and by the seventies, clean air suites were introduced. Joint replacement surgeries and kidney transplants were also introduced with less chances of infection. Then in the following years, the hospital advanced with the technological improvements in the world. With the advancement in technology, the group of clinical experts working for the organization also grew which were leaders in their respective fields. Florida Hospital's Nicholson Center has lended its services in training thousands of surgeons in the innovative and new techniques that are practiced in Florida Hospital. Florida Hospital now has one of the most valuable kidney transplant centre in the nation. The organization's mission from its initiation of continuing the healing mission of Jesus Christ is still being followed and maintained within the organization. The organization submits that their journey which began to provide physical and spiritual health to a few people has now transformed into a promise of healing body, mind and soul of millions with Central Florida and all over the world.

Human Resources Needs Assessment

A well managed human resource of a healthcare organization plays a vital role in providing the best service to the patient. There are few key factors that play a major role in the success of any healthcare organization. Effective human resources strategies are important to be implemented to follow the path of success and it is also very important to manage human resources efficiently and effectively to provide patients with quality health care. Human resources play an important role for building up a healthcare organization. The quality of the staff available in a health organization reflects the services ...
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