The estimated beta coefficient of Coca Cola Company is 0.44. Beta is considered to be vital measures of equity market volatility which shows relationship in the financial market of financial instrument in which it is traded. In finance, beta of a stock or portfolio is explained as a numerical value explaining the volatility of an asset in connection to the volatility of the benchmark to which said asset is being compared to. This benchmark relates to usually the overall financial market and is projected through the use of representative indices, for example such as the S&P 500. An asset shows a zero beta which relates to that its returns change independently of changes resulting in market's returns. A positive beta shows that the assets returns coincide with the market's returns, they move in same directions. A negative beta relates to movement of assets returns oppositely with the market return which relates that one will tend to be below its average when the other is above its average. It indicates the portion of the asset's variation that is unable to be removed through diversification of portfolio of several risky assets, because its returns have correlation with the returns of the other assets included in the portfolio. Beta of equity says that if has 1.5, it will be performing proportionally better-of when market goes up and underperform when goes down by 0.5.
Considerably if it comes to include Coca Cola Company in my overall portfolio; this beta of 0.44 shows that Coca Cola Company pertains to have less returns by 0.66 as comparison to overall market which will be 0.66 times less risk than the overall market.
Beta assessment of Coca Cola Company is presented through considering recent published ...