Capital Punishment

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Capital punishment

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is legal in the United States throughout the country in federal and military crimes, and in most states except in northern regions and other territories detached as Alaska and Hawaii (among others), state crimes. Even applies in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, unincorporated territory to the Caribbean country in its colonial constitution of 1952, he found that the death penalty not applied. During the administration of former President George W. Bush, tried to impose on the island again the death penalty law, but the resistance of the Puerto Rican citizens, groups opposed to capital punishment, had to withdraw this tax which had not been applied even though legally it can be. Other states have found unconstitutional, and others removed making it possible to no longer be applied.

United States with Japan, pressured by the European Union to ensure that these laws abolished or repealed, as seen good jobs or observers of the European Community and especially the Council of Europe, to seek good relations associate, otherwise lose its observer status (Beccaria, 2006).

The use of the death penalty increasingly restricted in the retentions. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and the United States are the only first-world nations considered that maintain the death penalty. During the 1980's, the democratization of Latin America was a major increase in the number of abolitionist countries. Both the European Union and the Council of Europe to require, the member states expressly prohibit the death penalty, with the exception of Protocol 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which still allows the use of capital punishment within the Union for crimes committed in wartime. Note that the only member who still benefit from that exception is Belarus that is the reason that the country still excluded from the Council of Europe. On the other hand, the rapid industrialization in Asia has increased the number of states developed retentions.

In recent times, the issue of capital punishment has occupied a prominent place in the discussion of public opinion in the country. However, the 'volume' ever increasing of opinions, rather than go to enrich the debate, impoverished, and what is more, delicate, a topic that engages the entire society contaminated' seriously not only partial insight and analysis, but often simply ideological. In this sense, the notion of public interest (which is the ideological discourse itself), has become more important than the notion of truth and goodness.

It is true that this is a subject of complex reflection and in many ways controversial, where the excess of passion tends to cloud the understanding denying access, and delve into the essence of this issue. Indeed, the very act of raising the issue of the death penalty in the following terms, Are you in favor or against the death penalty? Is undoubtedly a demagogic bias, that 'mortgages' the full meaning and sense of reflection (Bhati, 2007).

When we point out that this is a complex and difficult, this does not mean in any case, we find ...
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