Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment


Capital punishment is deprivation of human life as punishment can be both criminal and legitimate. China is used widely and for lesser offenses. In Russian and Soviet legal practice to refer to death at different times were used euphemisms, "the highest measure of social protection", "capital punishment", and in more recent times, "the death penalty", as officially believed that the death penalty in the USSR as punishment is not practiced, but is applied in the form of exclusion as punishment for especially grave crimes against the state and ordinary.

This work was carried out in the first instance, as a condition of research on the subject “History of Criminal Law Argentino "Cycle-oriented Professional, Faculty of Law, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires , lecture by Dr. Liliana Machiavelli Started work , found that more than meet the formal requirements of the course regularly above mentioned, we found several problems regarding the "opinion" of the members of the group that has allowed us to reach a conclusion in group Given the differences that arose during the study (the word is highlighted views and at first it was just mere opinion, and after finishing work and more information on the subject, remains an opinion, perhaps more information on which it is not necessary to mention that this allows support of that preconceived opinion and to change it, but in fact the result was not the change of opinion of any of those prior to face the work already had an opinion, and only allowed to form a "reasoned opinion").

Despite the drawbacks mentioned, we may have spread beyond the purpose only of historical interest, to collect information on current and foreseeable future projections, which we could conclude that, in the same way that each of the members of this study team had an opinion and it has not changed, move the same circumstances globally, where each country has a tradition and taken position on the legal application of the penalty of death.

But no country changes and has amended its legislation on a voluntary basis, either spontaneous or thoughtfully, but once it has been the result of the perseverance of many doctrinal in national legislatures and currently, there is no denying that the work has been of the Organization of United Nations , the main reason for the change, as it will continue through the requirements to comply with treaties or by international educational and publicity activity carried out, a circumstance that leads us to understand that despite no change of opinion is the abolition of the Capital Punishment a sure goal, this will be the inevitable result of the end of the struggle now developing the various international agencies doomed to this theme, whether by conviction or by pressure internationally, but certainly in the world there is a growing trend towards abolition.

Definition of the Capital Punishment

There are also some thinkers that do not warrant the reinstatement of the Capital Punishment, even when you cannot say they are abolitionists themselves. About the Capital Punishment, ...
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