Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

Thesis Statement

The highly contentious topic of capital penalty is seen in today's society as an inhumane pattern of penalty for certain grave offenders. Over the years, when capital punishment was hardworking in Australia, numerous matters arose. The main issue of topic was considering if or not it was too farthest to take the life of a serious lawbreaker, rather then secure them away in jail for life. The concept in aim is if or not Australia's current humanity would benefit from the re-introduction of capital punishment into its present legislation.


“The death punishment is not one of the 'cruel and odd punishments' prohibited by the Eight Amendment." (Winters 12).

Capital penalty has been round since the beginning of time as has the argument surrounding it. There have habitually been pros and cons to the death penalty as have the contentions that proceed with it. The crimes that were deserving of the death penalty have changed over the years but some have stayed the same throughout the centuries. Some persons have said that by allowing the murdering of a criminal, it will only educate other ones that revenge is what capital penalty is all about, instead of glimpsing it as a means to eliminating a hazard lastingly from society. Hopefully this essay will educate the reader on the importance of capital punishment.

This essay will define, describe, analyze and evaluate the ethics of capital punishment. By defining capital punishment the reader will become educated on when it was instituted, and what capital punishment means exactly, in describing capital punishment the reader will become educated on the multiple means in how America deals with its criminals. By analyzing capital punishment, the reader will come to understand that it is ethically acceptable and that it shouldn't be abolished. That, society would suffer if capital punishment was removed from the justice system. Finally, by assessing capital punishment, the book reader will be informed of the writer's opinion on the ethics of capital punishment.

When capital punishment was functioning in societies round the world, it raised the most contentious attitudes about human rights. Since then, split up opinions have glimpsed the abolishment of the death penalty in most nations round the world. Only eighty-three nations still retain the death penalty. The death punishment is still in use in some states in America but was eradicated in Australia in 1985 after numerous years of use. The last authorized use of the death punishment in Australia was in Victoria on February 3 1967. The rates of crimes pledged throughout the time span where the death punishment was active were noted, as were the crime rates when the death punishment was not active. This was done to try to support the use of capital punishment. Whilst the death punishment was in use, there was not significant proof that it decreased the number of homicides in Australia. Also, while the death penalty was hardworking, the major point of topic that originated was that whether or not it was too farthest to take ...
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