Cape Verdean Migration To United States Of America

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Cape Verdean Migration to United States of America



Cape Verde is a small archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 kilometers off the western coast of Africa. It was uninhabited until the arrival of the Portuguese in the 15th century, who turned it into a main transfer point for their trade routes between Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean. The total landmass for the 10 islands and eight islets that make up the chain is roughly the size of Rhode Island. The islands were formed by ancient volcanoes, although only Mount Fogo on Fogo Island remains active today.

The population on Cape Verde is 421,000. More Cape Verdeans live outside the islands than on them; there are more than 500,000 in the United States alone. Most young people leave to find work; the unemployment rate for those who stay is 21 percent, and about 30 percent of islanders live in poverty. Those who do find work are generally in the service industry. (World Health Organization, March 2007)

Food supply is a problem on Cape Verde. The country suffers from drought in many areas and erratic rainfall in others. Eighty-two percent of all food is imported, and high-quality food is out of the reach of many islanders. Diabetes cases are expected to grow from 7,000 in 2000 to 24,000 by 2030.

Life expectancy is high in evaluation with continental Africa. The mean Cape Verdean male inhabits to age 67, and the mean feminine to 74, wholesome life expectancy is 59 for men and 63 for women. Child death is somewhat reduced, with 35 per 1,000 staining before the age of 1 and 26 per 1,000 staining between the ages of 1 and 5. Ninety-nine per hundred of women obtain prenatal care and 89 per hundred give birth with the aid of taught attendants; maternal death is 150 killings per 100,000 reside births. Around 50 per hundred of women have get access to to birth control. (United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2007)

Cape Verde is well insulated from foremost contagious infections, and the World Health Organization remarks no foremost outbreaks in latest years. About 90 per hundred of young children obtain full immunization. The HIV/AIDS contamination rate is accepted to be about 0.035 per hundred, as asserted by 2001 estimates. The isles have a little pool of health staff, with 231 medical practitioners and 410 nurses. Government expenditures on healthcare are about $57 per capita.

The Cape Verde Islands, a territory with an approximated 2007 community of 5 million and which lie about 300 miles off the seaboard area of Senegal in western Africa, were colonized by the Portuguese in the 15th century. Due to its significant place inside the transatlantic slave trade, Cape Verde assisted as a gathering location for diverse people. As an outcome, a Crioulo or mestigo community appeared in the archipelago. As an outcome of their convoluted colonial annals, geographical position, and annals of migration, Cape Verdeans are multiracial persons with ...
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