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Cancer is the diseased condition in which a cascade of the molecular events occurs that has the ability to change the normal physiology of the cells. Cancerous cells do not have the control growth system of cells and the number of cells increased rapidly and abnormally. The normal cells follow the normal process to grow and split into two new cells in a normal way. Cancer is the abnormal mechanism in which cells initiate to produce out of orderly manner. A normal cell become die after the particular time period where as the cancerous cells never die and continue to produce the further new cancerous cells. Furthermore, these cells invade the normal cells and tissues which ultimately lead to the organ harm (Alison, 2001).

The reason of developing a cancerous cell is the defect in DNA. The DNA in the normal cells if damage, it will be either restored by cell or cells itself become dead. While in case of cancerous cell, after the deterioration of DNA, cells do not die and involve in the growth of production of further abnormal cells. The DNA of the cancerous cells also cannot be repaired by the cells. Therefore, all the cancerous cells contain the damaged form of DNA.

There are different types of cancers depending on the region where it is occurred, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer, lung cancer or liver cancer. All the cancers have different ways to behave. Therefore, the treatment of each cancer type is different.

Breast Cancer

Cancer also occurred in the breasts of the body. The cancer of breast is the malignant tumor that initiates in the breast cells. A malignant is the accumulation of the cancerous cells in the cells of breast that can also spread and grow in the cells of the surrounding tissues. Breast cancer is mainly disease occur in the women but some of the men also get suffer from breast cancer disease (ACS, 2012).

Normal Structure and Physiology of the Breast

The normal breast of female is comprised of stroma, ducts and lobules. Most of the breast cancer starts from the cells of ducts casing ductal cancer. While the other cancer develop in the cells of lobules, known as lobular cancer. There are certain cancers related to the breast caused by some other cells of the breast. The lymphatic system of the breast is also essential to comprehend in order to understand the breast cancer. Lymph nodes present in the breast are small and bean like in shape. These are the cells of the lymphatic system and these are linked to each other through small lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic vessels of the breast connected to the lymph nodes present in the chest, under arms and collarbone.

If the cancerous cells reached the lymph nodes, the risk of metastasis is highly increased. It is obvious that if the breast cancer is due to the cancer in lymph nodes then the other organ of the body may also get cancer.

Benign Lumps of the Breast

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