Can Men 'mother'?

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Can Men 'Mother'?

Can Men 'Mother'?

It is increasingly common to see as many children are raised by only one parent, either a single father or single mother. Whether parents are separated or if either had an accident or simply did not want to take responsibility, the fact is that these children are not raised within a traditional family. While it is true that the role of these parents alone can be complicated and demanding, does not necessarily mean that it is a tragedy or that the child will grow poorly. It is undeniable that if both parents are, as the child will feel supported and feel no lack, guilt, anxiety nor affected its development, at least not for this reason. But what needs to be clear is that children need love, authority and guidance and emotional support, and this sometimes a parent is more than enough. (Morgan, 117-183)

The child must understand that his family is the best you have, even if it is smaller than others and should not feel sorry for himself. On the other hand, the lone parent should be aware of their condition and avoid falling into excess of protection or intervention in the life of his children. Nor should a parent feel guilty or lonely victim of an unmanageable situation, because that would hurt your teen yes, it would convey all her feelings of insecurity. (Ribbens, Edwards, 156-222) If you have clear positions, raising a child without the help of a couple, may not only be a problem, but also be very rewarding, is a matter of great tranquillity. But things are changing at a rapid pace and the number of single parent households is constantly increasing. More and more people seem willing to contest custody of their children and show an inclination toward accepting primary responsibility for childcare. (Scott, 335-496)

Society and Single Father Families

In recent years, the number of fathers raising their children alone has nearly tripled. According to a recent survey, the number of children raised by single parents in the United Kingdom in previous years was almost 254, 000. Single-parent families were almost 2 % of all single parents. These figures are expected to increase further in the coming years. Many factors are responsible for this new change in social dynamics. The number of no-fault divorcers has increased over time and the courts are increasingly turning to gender-neutral criteria when deciding on child custody. With this increase in divorce rates, the attitude of mothers has also undergone a change. Due to a change in the financial and social status of women in contemporary society, mothers are sometimes more interested in their careers and their preferences and are reluctant to accept custody of children. This change in gender roles has affected the male population as well. Parents today seem more willing to accept the custody of their children. The courts decide custody of the child in accordance with the interests of the child and often take into account the wishes of the child, ...
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