Can Intelligence Be Measured With A Single Score? Can Intelligence Be Increased?

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Can Intelligence be measured with a Single Score? Can Intelligence be increased?

Can Intelligence be measured with a Single Score? Can Intelligence be increased?


This piece of study aims to describe that can intelligence be measured with a single score, and can it be increased? The motive here is to limelight all major areas related to the topic. After giving a brief introduction about the origins of intelligence measurement, this essay also addresses some theories of intelligence and their contents, the measure of intelligence itself, and its implications in the lives of people. Further, the interpretation of IQ scores and use of numerous standards is also included in the discussion of the essay.


The measurement of intelligence has a long history dating back to early twentieth century with the notable work of Alfred Binet. This author considered the father of the quotient (IQ) and has made ??very important contributions to psychology, particularly in the understanding of intelligence, development and memory. So already at that time, there were different conceptions of intelligence giving rise to many theories. These theories have proliferated during the twentieth century, some of them being associated with very measuring instruments. These first theoretical approaches have succeeded factor theories. These theories are not intended to explain the functioning of intelligence; rather they provide portraits of what intelligence is. They express different components common to the resolution of various groups of problems. For example, the tasks of vocabulary, knowledge and analogies have components in common and are defined as a factor in verbal intelligence. The factor theories do not explain how individuals are able to solve these issues. Development theories of intelligence and learning theories are inter alia, more indicative at this level.


The term “intelligence” is difficult to define, as it may have a number of different meanings to different people. As a matter of fact, the term has divided the community of science for over decades. Moreover, controversies are still arising over the exact definition of the term intelligence, and its forms of measurements. However, in its popular sense, intelligence can be defined as the general ability of mind to learn and apply numerous concepts and knowledge in order to manipulate one's environment. It can also be defined as the ability of reasoning and have abstract thoughts regarding different issues. In addition to these, other definitions may include the ability to adapt to a new environment or to adopt changes in the current environment. Further, the abilities to judge, evaluate, comprehend, and capacity of originating productive thoughts also come under the definitions of intelligence.

What is intelligence?

Beyond all these factors the question arises is that, what is intelligence? Intelligence is an encompassing concept. When asked to define what intelligence is, many scholars with their formal theories state that the men in the street with their informal theories argue different behaviors that can be collected as exemplars of this entity. This is why it is defined as a concept of family resemblance, a concept borrowed from different philosophers. Moreover, Wittgenstein, Sternberg and Salter take ...
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