Can Children With Specific Disorders Be Distinguished By The Ways In Which Social Interaction Develops?

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Can children with specific disorders be distinguished by the ways in which social interaction develops?

Can children with specific disorders be distinguished by the ways in which social interaction develops?


Autism is a brain developmental disorder that most effects social interaction skills and communication. In this regard, it is important for autistic children to interact and communicate with their peers as much as possible. Autism research has shown that autistic children who builds strong relationships with their peers, often more successfully overcome their disorder. It is important for children with autism to be able to interact with other children their age, in addition to brothers, sisters and parents. For children with severe autism, social interaction, and even basic communications could be quite a challenge, like the other kids will not understand. Nevertheless, it remains important to do everything possible to expose autistic children to the same social situation, we are all feeling. For children with mild autism, an ongoing social interaction and communication can eliminate many of the symptoms of autism together. Parents of autistic children have to do everything possible to avoid the shelter of his child, and to ensure that the child is experiencing social situation on a regular basis. This makes activities like going to school is very important(Brown, 2003).

 One of the most significant problems for people on the autistic spectrum is difficulties in social interaction. This difficulty is, of course, have more significant problems with speech and language. But autism also seem to create problems with "mind reading" - that is, with knowledge that another person might think. Most people can observe others, and think through a combination of language and tone of the body that "really" happening. In general, without assistance and training, autistic people can not. This "blindness of the mind" could lead even the functioning of the person on the autism spectrum to make social errors that cause all sorts of problems. Without knowing why, people on the autism spectrum can hurt feelings, ask inappropriate questions, to act strangely or even open to hostility, teasing, intimidation and isolation. Most school programs for children with autism include social skills therapy. There is no guarantee that the people running these programs has specific training or experience with the operation of such programs, so it may be worth the time parents to investigate just who offer such programs, and why they were chosen for this. This is not entirely unusual for a school psychologist or social worker to perform the social skills program with relatively little training or background(Brinker, 2004).

Williams syndrome

Williams Syndrome (WAS) is a rare nerve disorder caused by the removal of about 28 genes from the long arm of chromosome 7. It is characterized by mild to moderate mental retardation and "magic" features. Most strikingly, individuals with WAS exhibit a very sociable social behavior: they approach strangers easily and indiscriminately, behaving as if everyone was their ...