Camp Happy Valley

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Camp Happy Valley

Camp Happy Valley


The Camp Happy Valley is a summer day camp for children that were being established in 1965. Their main objective is to maximize the camper's experience through variety of activities in a safe and hygienic environment. It is a non profit organization that is an accredited member of Ontario Camping Association (OCA). The camp has been facing a decline in its morale of staff. Due to this many parents have been complaining for misbehaving and unsafe environment. Adam Cameron as the programmer for the camp, have taken the responsibility of improving the camps morale and safety (McCormick, 2002).


Many parents have issues regarding the facilities, and the quality and the opportunities offered by Camp Happy Valley. Furthermore, in addition they also pointed out other concerns such as the safety measures for their children and the quality of care provided by the camp. Other than to facilitate, Happy Valley did not advertise its facilities but rather it got an advantage from the parents who have previously visited the camp, they have referred to their friends and family and gained more customers for Camp Happy Valley. Though, Camp Happy Valley had no advertisement campaign to attract directly the new customers. Therefore, it is necessary that the parents concerns are being looked into to find better solutions and handled professionally without any further concerns (Advameg, 2013).

Happy Valley employed 500 employers, out of which the super staff team included the most experienced staff members. Due to being a non profit organization, Happy Valley paid its staff less than the minimum wage and because of being a non-profit organization; Happy Valley had to pay off its expenses with a small percentage of annual revenues. The salaries were divided into two parts from which if a staff member gets fired during the summer period, then they would forfeit half of their remaining salary for the summer period. Due to this employees have to serve the whole summer session to receive their complete salary (NYC, 2013).

A lack of team spirit started to arise as a monotonous training was conducted by the same person who held it in the previous summer session. This lead the staff to gain less self confidence and becoming de-motivated, as there was nothing new to learn as it felt that team building activities are just useless because it creates no team feeling (Michael Brandwein, 2007). Cameron highlighted this problem as a major contributing factor which needs to be resolved as soon as possible in order to run the camp profitably. The training of staff is to be carried out which has an objective of training them to develop their staff's skills, familiarize them with the camp and build up better relationships among the camp members through a better communication but this could not be implemented because of the resignation of the previous organizer (Cresci, 2010).


The main cause for the lack of advertisement and safety precautions was that the camp did not have the reputation of a high class ...