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Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)


This assignment is based on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The assignment will discuss the role of computer assisted language learning (CALL) over the last 15 years and new opportunities that a “post-CALL” era offers for our professional development and our students' formal and informal learning.

Role of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Over the Last 15 Years

The History of Computer Assisted Learning is quite recent; however it has promising future expectations. Every day computer use is more widespread, mainly due to its greater affordability and its continuous technical improvement. In recent years, the computer has been considered as a machine for pure education and its application has been focused primarily on serving many areas of mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc. Today, it is generally recognized that there are broad applications offered by the computer in many aspects of human activity and in educational work. The advantages of this advanced technique for teaching are multiples and very important. It is therefore possible to think that along with the book and slate, the computer probably has becomes an important tool for education especially language learning. The history of Computer Assisted Language Learning is almost as old as the computer itself. A leading reference can be found in 1951. An end of the fifties appears the first generation of programs EAO, which was influenced by the movement of programmed instruction (Programmed Instruction) American BF Skinner, who thought the Programmed Instruction was the basis for the Science of Teaching. Computers from the past decade are considered to be a significant source for teaching and learning purposes. Software's, internet and networking systems have created great opportunities for students to increase their communication skills. Not only for the learners of any specific region but for the global learners. Computers are also considered as a major player in bringing cultural change in the world. Way of doing work, way of living, and way of communication all have been changed because of the silicon chip (Jarvis, 2008).

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a type of educational program which is designed to serve as a learning tool. CALL programs use exercises, question and answer sessions to present a theme and check the understanding of the student, it allow students to also study at own pace. The themes and arithmetic complexity of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) range from beginner to advanced mathematics, science, history, computer studies and specialized subjects. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is just one of the multitudes of terms, most with equivalent meanings related to computer use in education. Other expressions are computer-assisted learning, computer-driven learning, computer based learning, computer-based training or computer and computer-managed instruction.

The functions of the teacher and the student complement each other, so the process of computerization of their activities are closely related, computer tools that mimic certain aspects of the training are at the same time an instrument of the student. For example, reference and information systems can be considered, on the ...
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