Caliph Omar's Peace Terms With Jerusalem (636) In The Name Of God The Merciful And The Compassionate.

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Caliph Omar's Peace Terms with Jerusalem (636) In the name of God the Merciful and the Compassionate.


This paper discovers the Middle East Peace Process in periods of the chronicled and heritage addition the three monolithic beliefs have in the direction of the town of Jerusalem. Although accepted wisdom ascribes to four majors matters stopping a comprehensive town between the Israelis and the Palestinians: namely boundaries, security, right of come back and Jerusalem, it is really only Jerusalem that is paramount. If the topic of Jerusalem's sovereignty can be explained a compromise answer for the other three will be found (Shlaim 59).

Historical importance

The town was eventually lost when Caliph Omar took it in February of 638 in the title of a new religion. After Rome expelled the Jews out of Palestine, Jerusalem and its environs became abandoned. However, Jerusalem one time afresh became a center of concern after the Roman Emperor Constantine acknowledged Christianity (312) (Robinson 78). Roman Christians constructed places of adoration in Jerusalem, and changed it into a Christian city. Palestine stayed Roman (Byzantine) territory until the seventh 100 years, when it became part of the Persian Empire for a short time. Eventually, the Byzantines reclaimed it. The year 637 comprises a significant rotating issue in Palestine''s annals, for after this it came under Muslim control.

American scholars on the treaty

A premier British commentator on belief Karen Armstrong recounts the arrest of Jerusalem by Umar in these periods in her publication Holy War: The Caliph Omar went into Jerusalem climbed on a white camel, escorted by the magistrate of the town, the Greek Patriarch Sophronius (Norwich 60). The Caliph inquired to be taken directly to the Temple Mount and there he knelt in plea on the location where his ally Mohammed had made his Night Journey. The Patriarch observed in horror: this, he considered, should be the Abomination of Desolation that the Prophet Daniel had foretold would go in the Temple; this should be Antichrist who would proclaim the Last Days. Next Omar inquired to glimpse the Christian shrines and, while he was in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the time for Muslim plea came round. Courteously the Patriarch asked for him to plead where he was, but Omar as courteously refused. If he knelt to plead in the place of adoration, he clarified, the Muslims would desire to commemorate the happening by erecting a mosque there, and that would signify that they would have to demolish the Holy Sepulchre.

Instead Omar went to plead at a little expanse from the place of adoration, and, certain sufficient, exactly converse the Holy Sepulchre there is still a little mosque dedicated to the Caliph Omar. The other large mosque of Omar was erected on the Temple Mount to assess the Muslim conquest, simultaneously with the mosque al-Aqsa which commemorates Mohammed's Night Journey. For years, the Christians had utilized to the location of the wrecked Jewish Temple as the town garbage dump. The Caliph assisted his Muslims to clear the rubbish with ...
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