Byzantine And Ottoman Warfare

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Byzantine and Ottoman Warfare

Byzantine and Ottoman Warfare


“You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every

war they kill you in a new way” Will Rogers

Advancement in warfare is a way to see changes in the civilizations with the passage of time. It also provides a mean to trace the impact of different civilizations and rules in a territory. Byzantine and Ottoman Empires are great civilizations of their time. Both these civilizations faced their glory and downfalls with a number of differences in social, religious, cultural and demographic factors that clearly reflects the striking differences in these two empires. The origin of Byzantine Empire very old and it can be traced back since 330 AD. This empire was located on the European side of the Bosporus at a trade point between Europe and Asia Minor. It was first chosen as the Roman Capital as Constantinople. Later it was divided into western and eastern regions.

Western part was collapsed in the fifth century, while eastern part was survived. It was later invaded by the Turks and then known as Ottoman Empire as it was ruled by Ottoman Turks during fifteenth century. During this time, there were a number of major changes occurred and resulted in the new authoritative development of the Roman Empire. There were various political and social reforms for the betterment of this state in the social and historical perspectives. By the eight century, there were a number of major changes in the social and political conditions and administration, which led to the increase in authority and strength of the state. According to Finlay, it was the time when Byzantine armies developed their firm barriers to protect the empire.

During eighth century, eastern part was one of the most refined and well administered socially and politically stabled states, but under the political reform system there were a number of different changes in the social and cultural perspectives. There were a number of political reforms that led to a number of various changes with the passage of time. With the influence of Turks and other civilizations, advancement in technology and improvements in the warfare practice was major concern to prevent the Empire from further damage . For this purpose, there have been a number of changes occurred in the practice of warfare under many dynasties within the Byzantine Empire and later, within Ottoman Empire under the reign of Sultans.

Thesis Statement

There are various differences in the practice of warfare between the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire due to changes and advancements in type of weapons used, military leadership, military tactics, impact of emperors and sultans on military campaign, changes in recruitment into the army, and a number of various other reasons.

Brief Historical overview of Byzantine and Ottoman Empires

History Byzantine Empire is rich with the war crises and invasions. It was first conquered by Romans as Constantinople during fourth century and then it invaded by the barbarians during fifth century. Since that time, this territory had ...