Buying Solely Domestic Products

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Buying Solely Domestic Products

Buying Solely Domestic Products


The purchasing parity of domestic products and its deep rooted impacts on the economic situation of a particular area is the epitome concept of this paper. This study was fundamentally structured to explore the principles of globalization, internationalization and customer ethnocentrism. There is a great variety of products and services that are exposed to individuals with diversified national of origin. Printing press, in the fifteenth century, puts a hallmark to the domain of globalization. This medium was earlier restricted to certain social groups or activities that later exposed to diverse subjects and information around the world. Trade opportunities and domestic business expansion were enlightened with the advent of print media (Dmitrovic, 2009). It has sporadically crossed regional patterns of trade and cam into regular practice.

The suburb communities and societies around New York were unaware and unaccustomed from these products. Californian markets were sold these products. Local inhabitants, tourists, and trade merchants were only source of information that had been to these markets. The trade exchange, increasing information and cross-border trade business partners were only source of information. Goods are services were offered into different regions with the increasing interest and vast knowledge of prints and publication. The prevailing expansion of information, communication, and technology (ICT) expanded the concept of globalization and introduced the age of radio and television. It was considered as most augmented medium in the world of digital age (Dmitrovic, 2009). The concept of globalization was exponentially boosted with the commencement of online advertising and digital media marketing. The growing trend results in growth and modernization in different brands of international market. Early or mid of twentieth century (20th) principally witnessed enormous development in international brands that we principally came across today. Business opportunities were undoubtedly create with opportunities for career progression transversally across the globe (Evans, 2001). This interestingly exposed professionals and business expatriates towards various domestic and foreign products in solely international market.

Internet is the product of television as it grows into its maturity stage. Although, television had powerful market impact, but concurrently it was much expensive. Television was also unable to reach every single business unit across global markets (Wang, 2004). Financially sound and profitably successfully enterprises only managed to telecast on television. Internet had wiped out and taken over the prestige presence of television and provides growth access for every operating companies. Online trading came into being once internet overruled television with its global recognition and boastful economy.

The advent of Internet in the twenty first (21st) centuries has emerged the novice concept of e-commerce, online buying, and online advertising. Amazon, one of the biggest global multibillion dollar electronic commerce companies, extensively moderated online commerce forum for buyers and sellers.

Argumentative analysis and constructive critique on the subject of discourse is the purpose of this paper. Communication portals and information technology (IT) industry alleviated the phenomena of globalization and technological advancement. Different foreign products exposed buyers that raised the level of satisfaction in terms of physical, emotional ...
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