Buyer Behaviour And Market Research

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Buyer Behaviour and Market Research

Buyer Behaviour and Market Research


Customer behaviour is an important element of participation in terms of fidelity and attitude to service. It is necessary for it to analyze the behaviour of consumers in the purchase decision process and redemption. It is influenced by different components. In marketing, we use the concept of involvement to study the intensity and nature of consumer motivation; it results in a state of interest in a category of product / service. The concept of involvement is central to the fields of marketing research. It is considered one of the key concepts of consumer behaviour and mainly in the analysis of purchasing behaviour. The notion of implication is closely linked to notions of commitment, motivation, attitude, behaviour interest directly related to it (Blackwell, 2006).

Therefore, it is vital for the marketers of SkinGuard and SkinProtec to conduct a comprehensive market research before launching their product in the UK's market. Various market researches show that the consumer purchase decision making process differs for the USA and UK consumers. Marketers must identify who makes the purchasing decision, the type of decision in question and the stages or steps in the purchase decision process (Richard, 1991).

The marketers of the SkinGuard and SkinProtec cream products in United Kingdom have to understand that the actions of consumers differ significantly according to their needs and goals of shopping, the nature of demand, motivations and actions in the market. A brief description of the actions of individual users, at different stages of the decision to purchase are:

Step 1. Awareness of the problem (need). There are two groups of stimuli - both internal and external. At this point, determined what problems occurred, what caused their appearance and how they brought the consumer to a particular product.

Step 2. Consumer information search is carried out using different sources of information: personal sources, commercial sources, public sources (the media), the sources of empirical evidence.

Step 3. Assessment of options by the customer through the identification and comparison of the properties of products, rates the importance of the characteristic properties of the goods (bread, soft), beliefs about brands (well known), the utility function of different versions of products that can solve the problem (Cooksey, 2006).

Step 4. Decision to buy is taken as a result of the previous stages, and there are important decisions related to the fact what goods purchased, in what quantity, at what price, etc.

Step 5. Reaction to buy (a score of correct choice of product) includes a number of actions of different nature: understanding the degree of satisfaction of the purchase, post purchase, the decision of the ultimate fate of the purchased goods.


Consumer behaviour is defined as a mental process of decision as well as physical activity. The act of buying is not only a stage in a series of mental and physical activities taking place during a certain period.

For the introduction of SkinGuard and SkinProtec cream products in United Kingdom, it is important fro the marketers to ...
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